------------------------------------------- Bo(}k III. Looking unto 1efm. Chap. 2 .Sect. 9 ------------------------------------- SECT. IX Ofconforming to 'Jefm in that refpea. 9· wE mull conform to Jefus, in refere~ce to this covenant of grace, we are ~hang_ed by beholding, into the fame image. lfwe look un~o Jefus m this refpect, this look will have fuch an influence upon us, that we fhall conforme to {efm. But wherein confifis this conformity? I anfwer, in thefe feveral particulars: . . . . I. God mChnfi offers h1s covenant to us;fo we through Chrift fhould embrace his offer. 2 . God in Chrift keeps covenant with us; fo we·tbrough Chrift fuould be careful to keep covenant with him. 3. God in Chrift hath highly honoured us as we are his people; fo we through Chrift fhould highly honour him as he is our God. ·1. God in Chriil: offers a covenant ofgrace to us ; fo we ' through Chrifi fhould embrace this gracious offer. His offers have appeared from firfi to !aft, as I. To Adam; 2. to Abraham. 3. to Mofes. . 4· to D.1Vid. 5. to I [rae! and to Judah. Take notice of it in that great promife ofthe covenant, I will be thy God. q. d. come foul, if thou wilt but have me, 1 am thine, heare 1 offer my felf, my Sonne, my Spirit, juj/#et!tion, fanf.Jijication, adoption, falvation; what(oever I am, or whatfoever I have, aft iJ thine~ if thou wilt but accept of me : Look over allr his wide, wide world; and if there be any thing in it that can pleafe thy foul; and whm thou hajl gone through all the world, then come and tab,f a view ofme, andfee me in my glory, beauty and excellency; view me in my attributes, and fee if thou jindefl not enough in me worthy ofthy ac~ ceptance ; all this, allld more then this, nay more then eye canfee, or et~ re crm heare, or heart conceive, I offer to thee, if thou wilt b ftt ha1;e me, f oe, I will be thy (jed. So Chriftians ! God is firfi withus,he is the firft mover ,he begins, with us before we beginwith him, I will bring them (faith God) into the bond of the covenant. Now in this let us conform ; doth he offer ? 0 let us embrace the offer ! doth he lead the way ? 0 let us follow him frep by ft ep in that very way as he goes before us ! --· - - - · let_