Chap.z. Secr.x. Locking unto :}tfus. Book I. 5 expreffe it; 'it Ggnifies an averting, or drawing off the eye from one object to another; there are two expreffions., ~ and ,;f, the one Ggnifies a turning of the eyefrom all oth~r objects;. the other a fall: fi xing oftbe eye upon fuch an objett , and only upon fuch . ~o it is .both a off, and .z lu&k.fng on . On what? That IS the object, a toukng unto Jefus ; a mJe that denotes his mercy and bounty, 'liS Chrifl denotes his office and function. I iliall not be fo curious as to enquire why Jefus, and not Chrift is nominated; I fuppofe the perfon is aymed at which implies them both; only this may ' be obferved th&t {efus is the pureil Gofpel Name of all other names; { efus was not the dialect ot the Old Tell:ament ; the firll: place that ever we read of this title as given to Chrifr, it is in M atth. I . .l r. Thou /halt call his nam~ {efus.f•r hffha ll (a ve his people from their finnes. Some fl1lt.I.u, obferve that this Name [ efus was given him twice; once till death , M atth. I. 2 I. and afterwards for ever, Pbi!. 2. ro. the firll: was a note of his entring into Covenant with God to fulfil the Law for us, and to die for our fins ; the fecond w:~s a note of fo mer! r. or!o~1s a perfon, who.for his humility was more exalted then any perfon .ever hath been, or ilia I! be. Firft, [ efus was the humble name of his deferving grace; now { efus is the exalted name of his tranfcendent glory: at firft the Je~esdid crucifie Jefus, and hrs name; and the A poll:le did then dill:rull: whether [efuswasthetrueJ ef~t s; butnowGod hathraifed himfrom theLuk.z4 •2h dead, and bach-highly oqa!ted him, and given him,a name above Phil.• .9·1o. every name Y that at theN ame of Je[us ever-y k._nee fhould bow , of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. My meaning is not to inGft on thisName in contrac\iftin&ion to any other names ofChrift ; he i 5 often call.ed C hrift, and Lord , ~nd Mediatour, .and SonneofCjod, and Emmamul; Why Jefus ts all thefe ; [efus is'Chrift, as he is the annointed ofGod ·; and 'fefus is L ord, as he hath dominion over all the world ; and zefm isMediatour, as he is the reconciler of God and man . ·and [efus is the Sonne of God, as he was eternally begotten bef~re all worlds; and 'fef~ts is EmmAnuel, as he was incarnate and fo God with ~s. <?nly becaufe 'fefm lignifies Saviour, and this name · was g1ven htm upon that very account, For he fhall [ave his peepie from their finnes; I fball make this my deGgne to look at [e[H4 more e.fpecially, , as carrying on the greatwork. .ofour falB 3 vation. ·