i,.~od.I f ,Jt •. 2J)am.7.%t !..King.S '-! Chap.2.Secr. 9 0 my feu! , art thou acquainted with ~hefe atts of faith· enabling thee in fome good mcafure to keep covenant with God? then is. there a iweet c()nformity betwixt thee and zefu,r. ' 3,, God- in· Chrift. hath highlY. honoured us uwe -are his p~:o,ple ; fe we through Chrift fhouhl' honour- him highly as tie is our God : this..is the main end of the covenant : and 1 fhall end with this. , 0 my foul be like to God , beare the image and refemblance of God thy Fatlier in this t:efped: ; he hath humbled. himfelf t~ advance thee ; 0 then humble thy f~lfe to advance. h1m . ;. ende.vour every way fo exatt his, Name. We are aH willing to be in covenant with God, tha.twe may fet~up our felves, that we may fit upon ThrQnes-, and polfeffe a Kingdome ; but we mufhhink .efpecially of fetting up the Lord upon his 'fhrone; Afcribe greatnef!e to our God, faith Mr>[e1 • make it a-name; and a·praife unto him, that he· hath vouchfafed to make us his people, and to take us into coven.ant with bimfdf· honour him as he is God, but honour him, more abundantly ash~- . is.our God; who fhould honour him if his people will .not? the world knows him not., the wic.kfd will not fie k._after God, ·--- God i& not in aft hi& thoughtt·: and fhall God have no honour? fhatl he that fi retched out the heavens , and laid the foundations of thee;trt~ , and formed man upon it, have no .glory? Oyes ! the Lord himfelfanfwers, this peoplehave 1 formedfor myf elf, .they fbalt jbew f~rth my praife:, furely God will have praife from I1 isown people· whom he hath taken unto himfelf' 'he will be,glori{ied in all 'thofe, t hat CJme neare to him. But how fhould we honour God? I anfwer;- I · We muft fet him up as chief and higheft · in our efteem: Kings account not themfe lves honoured if they be not f~tabove o~her men ; and hence Gods people have ufed fu(h expreffions c{lncerning God, as do Gngle him forth beyond the comparifon ofall creatures.: ~nus c_J.'v[ofet , whoi& lik§ unto thee amongft t he GodJt w.hoh· lik._e ;mto thee , glorioHt in holinef{e ,fe.mfstl in praifu , . doing wovden ? thusDavid , tbou artgreatO LordGod, for there i& none /ik§ thee , neither iJ there any God be(ides thee according toall that. we have heard with-our earct , . Thus Salomon,LordGod if If rael;there ff. no qod likJ.thu in heaven.ako'IH, ~r i1 t heearth benetllh, who k.Jepeft ~ cover.ant ··