Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.2..Seet.g covent~nt and mercic with thy /ctvants. Thus Micah , who is a fjod lif?.! unto thee, which paj[efl hy the trltnfgreJ!ions of the remna11t of M' h 8 thine heritage ? and thus fhould we rife up in our thoughts and 1'a 1-l apprehenGons ofGod, until we come ro an holy extafie and at{. miration ofGod. 2. We mufi count it our ble.lfedneffe and highell dignitie to be a people in covenant with God ; are we honourable ? yet efteem this as our greateft honour, that God is our God; are welow and defpifed in the world? yet count this honour enough , that God hath lifted us up to be his peop.k:. Chrifiians : if wheri we are counted as things ofnought, we canquiet our felves in this, tha:t God is our God, if when we areperfecuted, imprifoned , difireffed, we can fay with J tecob, I have enough, becaufe the Lord hath mercy 1 on me, and hath tak,rn me intocovennnt with him; furely then we d0 beare witnelfeofGod before heaven and earth, that he is better to us then corne, or wine , or oyle, or whatfoever this world afords. · 3. We muft lye under the authoritie of every word ofgod, ' and we muft conformour felves to the examples ofGod; that is, wemufi labour to become followers ofGod , and imitate-his-vertues: it's a part of that honour which children owe to their parents to obey their commands, and to imitate their Godly exam- D . ,. pie ; we cannot honour God more , then when we are hHmbled at (Ut. 33• " his feet to receive his word, then whenwexenouncethe manners of Ephcf.r ,J; the world, to become his followers as deare children. 0 think of thi!!for then we conform indeed; then are we holy as he-is holJ,ttnd pure as he is p~ere; and then how fhould this but tend to the ho- - nour and glory ofour good God? Thus far we have loof?.!d on Jefus as our {efu,s in that dark time before his coming in the fiefh . our next work is to ~o~k..~n refus carrying on the great ~ork ofmans falvation m h1s firll coming or incarnation. LOOKING