Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~ f 6' · Book. III. .L_ookl11g t~Ntl :Jefus. Chap.,, sett. 9 Ecclef.u.: , J?cclcf.I.~ - --- -- God hath his hand, and that be intends good to us all , and glory to himfelf; onely I am can at a furth-er difiance from you; and in comparifon of where I was, into a foli· rary defert, and barren field. I ~all not hereafter have ~hofe occafions of appearing in publick as before I had ; my work. befo~e. tq~ is1 ~~fie with man , and more with God'; letfe with (he world, and more "'ith th;; t w<Orld to come; If I were young again , I might well do as I 'did, (i.) ddire tO rem9veJroin a m'ore private to a q1ore publick place .,· fn:~m G.arfl·~tnge ta Preflon; ' but now I decline , "(tnethinks I feel my HArm d~trlcen, and the clouds to rerum after the r11in) I defire therefore to retire, and to go back again from a publick to a more private pla<;e , e· ven from P~eflDntoG.d-'1 ftange . And now my dear Bre- ~hrtm fare~ell , , I dopbt I lhall hereafrer feldome fee you• . And ~ow world fa~ewell ~:J have tryed thee fufficiently, and haye found thee to be nothing but vanity; 'Vanity of' vanit!,~r , 1fAi~h, _the .Prettcher, vanity of vaniti~s ,_all is ~anitt• .Jnfiead oftho(e hurries , jarres, envies, pride, difcord, <Jnd policies·of men in il:reets and Towns,! !hall .now walk the filent fields, . and woocs, and hear more frequently the varioustunes ofmelodiou birds, and keep confort with them ; wlig without j!lrres are ever in their kind prailing God. Sometin:ies their airy fongs have occafionally lifted up my heart in fpiritual fangs , and Pfalms, and Hymnes; and now again I lhall have more leafure for fuch duties in fuch places; and Oh that in this way I may have more communion with God and with Je· fus Chrifi! Oh that in this way I may look unto1eft1J in his birth , and life , and death, &c. and practiCe thole leffons which here I have writ. Ah my Brethren ! it is ·' ·not our .frudying, preaching, writing , without our · praCl:ifing .that will avai!e ~s. Now t)lat I may be in me exer,~fe of thefe dutles , and teach both wayes, . I