Luke 1. 30. 31, 32· .And tht .Angtl [t~iJ Hnto hrr,fr111e not UUArJ ,for thou hnfl found favo-ur 't~~th(;od; And behold thou flutlt conceive in thy womb 1md ' ltringfortha Smn!, ~tnd f/11llt caO hi1 Nam~ 'Je[m; and he fo~tll be great1 and fb~tll btc~t/ledthe Sonne of the higheft. , Luke x. 3), . .And the An.gelnnfJ-v~eel,. andfaidunto her,the Holy Ghoft foa l! come upon thee, /fntlthe power of the highe~ fba!l wrrfhadow thee; thmj01e. alfo that ~lJ thing which foall be borne of thee, jhllfl b: ~!led ~he Sonne ofGod. · GaL4-4- 1 Tim. 3. 16. Rom. r. 3,4. qod fent forth his Son ,mfrde of awom11n. - Without controve;jie great is fhe myftery ofgodlineffe,God was manifejl in the Jlefo. ,...:- . !tis 'fe(U& Chrift our Lor~;l'lho was made of the feed ofDavidaccord- 'J11[, to thefle/h ,.and declared to be the Sonne ofGodwlth power, IIC- 'or:ding)o rhe J'firit•. Luke2. I):, x6 ,. zo~ The jhepherds-[aid om to another, let us now go even to Bethlehem, at~~l[ee this thingwhich is come to pajfe, which the Lord h~tth made k,zlown to UJ.And they came with hafte,&found M111ry,and {ofrpth,a~a' the bab~ lying in a manger.-: A nd the fhepherds returnrd, g~orifymg & praijingGod,for all thethmgs that tht; hadhe11rd& feen•. ' John I 5· 1, 5. Pfal.s;. xo, I ·t. . Jm» the true ]line ,'and my Father is theHUibandmlln.-· - 1 am th~ Yint,}e are thebranches. -- Mercy and trmh nre met together, righte014fnrJfe an~ peacehave kiJJ.ed eachother; truthfoal! JPring ~ut gf ihe earth and nghteou[nejfe /ball look.. downfrom heav en . ~ . ' Heb. 12. 2. zCor. 3. xS. John r. 14. .• U-n/ti lrfU&, the beginner,and finijher of91tr j.1ith. - · We a}l with op.m fa cebehold as in a glaj[e the glory of the L ord.- And theWord wasmade fiefb . , and dwelt v:mong us , and n•e beh9ld his gforr:.· L ooking_