Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cba~. 1 .Seot. 1 . L11ltlng UtJt11tft11, Booklfl. - -------------------- ~~~~~!lf!~=~t!~~~~i~~t~~l~~ LOOKING UNTO ·. . ' JESUS In his Birth. Boo~( IV. Part I. CHA.P. I. Sect. L Luke ;l. 15. Let . u1 now go even to Bethle/Jem ,· andfee this thh1g. - Of the tydings ofChrift. ~h:~&:'ar.-. N this period, as in the former, we fuail firft · lay down the ObjeCt; and fecondlydiretl: you how to loo~ unto it. The ObjeCt: is Jefm_, carrying on the work of mans falvation in his firft comipg in the flefu, untill his coming againe. But bec,au(e in this long period we have many· tranfatl:ions..,.which we cannotwith"conveniencydifpatch together, we fhall therefore break it into fmaller pieces; and prefent this Ob.,. je~,Je(m Chrift . . I. In his birth, 2 In his life. 3· In his death. 4.In his refurreetion. '5. In his afcention, feffion at Gods right -hand, and million ~of his holy Spirit. 6. JQ,his intercellion-for ·· Ll2 his