Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

. Be~k.IU.- Lo1king unt.o 1efus. Chap. t'. 'Sell. I liifSaints, in which bu!ln-etfe he now is, and will be imploycd tilt his fecond coming to judgemeot. . Firfl:, for the TranfaCl:ions of 'fi(~ in his birth, fome things I we muft propound b~fore, and (o'methings after his birth; fo that we (ball' continue this- period tilf the ti'me of{ohn.r Baptifme, or the exercife of his Minifiry upon earth. Now iQ all the TranfaCl:ionS' ofthis time we fhali efpecially handle thefe . r. Thetydings of Chrifl:; 2. The conception ofChrifl:: '3. The ,duplicity of natures inChrift: - 4· The real! difl:inCI:ion in that duplicity. 5. The wonderful unionnotwithftanding that difiinCI:i - on ; 6. The bird! of Chrift; 7· Some confequents after · his birth ·, .whilefl:. yet ~ chdd of twelye, years old. . The firfl: palfage in relation to his birth is the tyding:S of Chrift : 1!..uke 1 ,16to 1 .thisappearesLu~ 1 .26! 27, 28, · &c. e.Andinthejixthmonth '~ ~ · 3 the Angel Gabnel ·wd.r Jent from Cjod, &c. I fhall a httle m{ift on [orne of thefe word>. r. Th,e Meffenger is an Angel. Man was too mea.,e-to carry the newes oftbe concept ion of God~ never any bufineffe was con~ ceived in heaven, that did fo much concern the earth, as the conception of the God ,of heaven in a womb of earth : no Jelfe 'therefore then an Angel Wlii worthy to bear thefe cydings; and never Angel rec.eaved a gre,ater ·honour then of_tbis Emoalfage. Angels have been fent to diverfe; as to Gideon , Man0r11, , Dt~vid, D~niel, _ Elii!h, Z4ck~oriah, &c. A•1 d then the Angel honoured the melfage, but her's a meffage that 'doth honourthe Angel,. l,le was hig_hly_g)ori_ous before, but this ad4ed to his glory Indeed the mca,rnatton·~fGod could h~o Idle a reporter then the Angel of _God ; when (~od · ?tendea to begin his.Gofpel 1 _he wo ld firft vtfit the world wtth Ius Angel, before !te .would vifit the world with his Sonne; his Angel muft come i.n tht:fqrme ofman' before his ·.Son muft come in the nature _of man. · . . This Angel : f2- 'u tes the \'irgin, hayle theu that art highly f-t- 'lloured , the . L ard i.r r.·irh thte, b!c,1id art tlmt ;•mung ~womeb. Many mep and .women have been ar.d are the fp iritual Temples of. God; but .nevf!r..was any the material Temple of G' •, but onely 011ary·, and th~efore bbf(ed art d1ou :.Zmot~gH womm ; and ~et w~ c~qnot fay t~llt ihe was fo ble!f~ in bearing C.hrift , _as · i11e J