Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book III. Chap.1Se~. 1 how well we could endure fuch vi!ionr, hut there is dtfference bet •.~rixc our ~aith,a!ld our fenfes; to apprehend here the prefence of God by fatth,tbtsgoesdown fweedy, but iliould a glorious An- _gel ap ;2ear among us, it would amaze us alL But for this the -er ;o. Angel comforts her , fear not Mary , fvr thou ha~ found f~tvour · .with God. The troubles of .holy minds ever end in peace or . .comfort; joy was the errand .of the Angel, and not terr~ur. ' and therefore fuddenly he revives her fpirit wtth a chearful exci= tation , fear not q. d. let thofe fet~~r .,.,ho k,ztm they ~tre in-dlfple.cJ urc , er lz.ljofl? not they are gracious ; tbi11e happy eftau calls (or confidence , lfnd thllt confidence calls for joT; what foouid they fear who t~re fa~ sured of"hi1n , at whvm the Devils tr.emble ! 0 Mnr] how .fboufd j") but enter into th) heart, OHI ofwhvji: Womb jha// come [Aivatien. I queftion not but thefe very words revived t-he Virgin; what remote corner of her foul was thereinto whicn thefe beames ofconfolation did not thine? 4· Here is the foundation of her comfort and our happineffe. behold thou jhalt conceive in thy wombe, and bring for th a Sws and Luke 1'31 , foalt ca!t hu N 11me [ef m . N~ver was mortal cr:eature thus honoured , that her womb iliould yeeld that fle{b , which was perfonally uni~ed to the God -head, that ilie iliould -beare him,that upholds the world. There's one wonder in the conception , another in the fruit, both are marvelous, but the latte-r I take it is more myil:erious, and fuller ofadmiration: · the fruit of the womb is [efus ·, a Saviour, the Son ef ~he higheft: a King, God /hall w~r . 3r . J~ , 33 give him a thr:on~, and he {ball retgn for ever, for of hu Kingdome there foal! be no end. Here was aSon, and fuch a Son as the world never had before; and here was the ground of Maries joy; how could {be but rejoyce to heare what her Son fhould be before he was? furely never was any mo:her fo glad ofher fon porn , as this Virgin was of her Son before he was conceiv~. . The ground ofthis joy lay more efpecially in that name ,[efus. Here Chriflians! here is the Object that you are to lwk_ UJito; ~he firil: title that the Ange! gives om· Saviour, it is 'fejur, a saviour; 0 come! let us dwell a littl (? he .-e! with• ut {e(t~s we had never known God our fri end , and without [e{u r :God had pever known us , for anyother then.. his eLemie>; ) his name Jefus is better to us then all the titles ofGod, ind~eJ there is g(){ld- ; ' nelfe