Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

' :a·6 4 Book. II I. L1oking unto 1efus. ' ' away fin, he doth blelfe our very bldftrigs , and fand:ifie our very afHid:ions ; he fetcheth peace out of trouble , riches out of poverty, hQnour out of contempt, libeny oot of bondage; he pull~ out the l.l:ing ofdeath , puts out the fire of hell; as alll!vils, are wrapt up in fin , fo he that faves us fro'm fin , he faves us from all ·evils whatfoever. · But is not Chrijl as precious a N~me as [efus is? I anfwer no; · for; 1. Chri{t is not the Name ofGod , God as he is God can- , ..not be anointed , but (rfus _is the Name of God, and that wherein he more efpecially delig~ts.z. ChrYll: is communicated to bthers,, Princes are called Chrifl:s-, but Jdus is proper to himfelf there is no·saviour but he. 3. thrill is anointed, to what.end . but to be a Saviour? (efm is therefore the end, and the end is alwayes above the means. --- Wpy, this is that 'fr[UJ, the Son ofGQds love, the Authour ofour falvation, in whQni · alone God is w'ell-plellj'td., and whom the Angel publilhed afore he was conceived. thou jhalt coilceive and bring forth a Son, '""' Jhalt call his Name (efm. ---------------- SECT. II. Of the conception of(hrifl. 2.T.H E conception of <Shrift was the conclufion of tne An- '. , gels me!fage; no foonrr had the Virgin faid, be it . to me .cccording ro thy Word; but according_to that Word it was: immediately the holy Ghol.l: over iliaddowed her, and forms our Saviour in her womb:' now Chril.l:ians! now was i:he-time of )s>ve; efpecially if we relate to hi~ conception and. birth, well may we fay , now was it that the day brake up , that the Sun~· rofe, t~1at darkne!fe vani~ed • that wrath and anger gave'place. to favour and falvation; now'was it that free grace came down from heaven, thoufands of Angels waiting on her ; the .very clouds part (as it were) to give her way ; .the earth fprings to welcome her.; the flouds clap their hands' for 'joy; the heavenly Hoits fing as lhe goenlong, glorJ to God in the higheft, peAce upon earth, good will towards rmn; truth and righteoufue!fe go ' before