266 Boo~ III. Leeking unto ':fefM. Chap.r.Sed,:. holyGhoft for weaving it; to tbe ·Son for wearing it. to the whole Deity for cloathing m with it, and making us righ~eous by ii. . --Neither yet!s the holy Ghoft Chrifts Father. he did not beget him, but torm him; be did not Minifier matt'er from his own fubftance whwwfChrift was made, but tooke a part 'of humane nature from the Virgin,and _of that he made the body of Chrift within her: away wi th all groffe opinions, and old here- · fies ! this conception of Chrift was not by any carnal effufion of feminal humour, but by way of manufacture, (i.) by handywork, or operation , or venue of the holy Gho!t ; or elfe by tho= energerical command and ordination of the holy Ghofi , or e\fe by the benediCt ion and bleffing of the holy Ghoft , whereby that part of the Virgins blood or feed whereof the body ofChri{l; was to be framed , was fo clcanfed and fanCl:ified that ' in it there thoold b.e neither fpot nor fl:ain of origin1J pollution. · · .2. The fruit or effect was the framing of Chrifis manhood , in which we may obferve the matter and manner, 1. For the matter,. obfervc we the matter of the body, and ofthe foul of<:;hrift. 1. Tbe matter of the body of Chrifi. ir was the very flefh and blood of the Virgin: he wM made ~fa woma1!,, faith the Apoftle (i .) of the fldl1, and blood, and fubfiance of the woman, and he was made of tl:e fled~~ Dav~d (faith the ApofHe) accerding to theJlefh, otherwtfe he could not have been the Son of David according to the fiefh; and if it be true which the Philofophers fay, thatthe(eedofthemlindothnotfatl into thefubflance ofthechild,. but onely d~th difpo{e the fted of the woman (as a wcrk.::man frameth and di(po{cth his work) to makJ:. the fame t'11to ~he forme of tt m.tn , . why then, 1 .know not wherem the conceptiOn ofChrift fhould differ in the matter.at all, from our conception; fave onely iri the 01gent , or worker !(f his fubfran~e, w~1o was the Holy Ghoft z.. The matter offubfianre oft he foul of Chrifi was not derived from the foul ofthe Virgin as'a part thereof; but it was made· as the fou's of other men be, (i.) of nothing, by the power of God; and fo infufed .into the body by the ha nd of Cod, but of thefc things (ofhis l-,0dy and foul , a1,1d humanenature) we iliall fpeak more largely in the nex:t Section. 2. Fort,hemannerofframing Chri(ts humane nature, it was .miraculous; the An~l afcribes two actions to the Hol}' Ghoft in' -· ·- ., ' - .. - .._··-·- -- ~~- -.... ,_ --· -- · ' · · this: I