Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z. Sect. I. Looking unto :jtfus. 7 ' We look.. not at the things rvhi.;h are fern , but at the things which C . 4 :s are not feen, faith Paul. A Chrifiians aime is beyond vifible 1 ot, ' t'hings ., 0 when a foul comes to know what an eternal God is , and what an eternal Jefus is, and what an eternal Crown is; when it knowstbat great defi.gne ofChrift to fave poor foules, and to communicate himfelfeternally to fuch poor creatures, this takes off the edge ofits deGres as to viGblc temporal things, what are they in comparifon? . But what things are they ~e - muft lo.o~ off _in this refpeet ? I r. ~cjiiorr. anfwer. --1. Good thtngs 2..J:::.v1l thmgs. . 1. Good things. The Apofi:le tells .us of a cloud of witnef[es in the former verfe, which no quefl:ion in their feafon we are to loolvmto. But when this fecond objeCt com'es in fight, he featters the cloud quite, and fets up refru himfelf; now the Apollle willeth us clrpapi£y to turn our eyes from them, and to turn them hither to Jefus Chrift. q. d. Jfyou· will indeed fee -a fight once for all, look to him, the Saints though they be guides to us~ yet are they but followers to him ; he is the arch-guide, the leader of them, and ofus all, look__on him. There is a ttme when [ames .. may fay, t.Ik! my brethren the Prophets who have fpokjn in the )~~~51 V1~ Name of the L ord for an example; but when Jefuscomes forth, Zach. 2., 13 , that fai'd, I have given ycuan example, an example above all examples, then be jilent 0 all flefb before the Lord. Let a!! Saint$ and Seraphims then cover their j 11ces with their rrings, that we may look., on {efus, and let a!Lother fights go. ·, ~ r. In general. 2. Evil things, • 2 . In fpecial. · ..... ' I. In &eneral, we muft look off all thiogsthat 'are on this fide ' · Jcfus Chnfi, and fo, fo much the rather, ifthey be evil things; in · a word, we mufr look ofall fdf whether it be finful felf or natural felf, or religious felf, in this'cafe ive mufl: .draw our eyes off all thefe things. _ 2. In fpecial we muft look off all that i,- in the world· and that the Apofilecomprizeth under three heads; the l~tfts of the eyes,the • John z.16 btjfs ofthe f/.efb, ~tnd the pride cf life; ( r.) Pleafutes, Profits, and ~onours. LWe -·-