Brok.III. Looking unto 1e[tu. · Chap. 1. Se~.2 that the fle{h ~f ~hrift came down from heaven , and paffed through th~ Vtrgm Mt~ry as water thro.ugh ~ conduit-pipe, wtthout takmg any fubitance from .her: Thetr objecbons are raifed outofthefeTexts. - Job 3,. 13, J. No man lf{cend.eth into heaven, but he that came down from heaven-, even the Son ofman which is in hravcn. I anfwer, firft this fpeech mull: be underil:ood, firfrly tn refpect ofhis God~head, which may be faid in fome fort to dcfcend, in that it was made manifefi in the man-hood here on earth. 2. This fpeech may be underfiood truly of the whole perfon of Chrifi , to whom the properties ofeach nature (in refpect of the communication of properties) may be fitly afcribed ; but this doth no way prove that his flefb which be affumed on earth, defcended from heaven. . _ 2. The(lrftmanis ofiheearth, earthy: the fecond man is the ~Cor.I$-47,48 Lord from heaven, -heavenly. Ianfwer, r. Thisholdsforth that Chrifi was heavenly-minded as fometimes be told the]ewes, you are from below; I am fromabovt; JOU 11re of this world, I am not ofthisworld; Chrifiwasnotworldly-minded, orfwayed with the lnfts of the Helh, or anyway earthly affected; as fometimes Joh.s,13 lie could tell his Apofiles, ye are not ofthe world, fo much more J_ 9h,IS;I9. mighthefayofhimfelf, that he was notofthisworJd, buthis converfation was in heaven. Or, 2. this holds forth that Chrill: was hrt~vrnly or from hravrn in refpect ofthe g!o'rious qualities which he received after his refurreCl:ion ; and not in refpeCl: of the fubfiance of his body, many glorious qualities was Chrifi endowed with after he was raifed ( I !hall not now difpute them) which he,had not before, and in refpect of thefe he might be called heavenly, or- from heaven. 3. This holds forth that Chrill alfo was in fome fort heavenly ~ or from heaven in his humane nature, in that the humane nature was united co the divine· and wit hall in that the humane nature was formed by the holy dhofi; fo J~hns Baptifme is fai? to be frof!l heaven; though neither h~, nor the water wherewtth he bapt1zed defcended from heaven, but becaufe he received it from God who is in heaven. Chrift was conceived (as you heard ) by the holy Ghoft, and in tha~ regard, his generation was divine and heavenly,or from htaven. - _-:.1/[e,\: · :z..,_ In way_ofcomfor~an~~~~ouragement,Chrift. wasthu:e~~;d