Chap.r .SeCt. 3· Locking unto1e Jut. Book. III. ceived that he might fanctifie our conceptions; as the firfl: Adam was the root of all corruption, fo is ' the fecond ~dam cheroot of all fanetification ; Chrift went as far to cleanfe us , as ever A· dam did to defi le us ; what? where our very conceptions defiled by Adam; in the firft place Chrift takes courTe for this; you fee he is conceived by the holy Ghoft ; and he was not idle whiles he was in the womb ; for even then and there he eat-out thl! core ofcorruption , that cleaved clofe to our defiled natures; fo that nowGod will not account evil ofthat nature, that is become the natureof his own dear Son ; 0 the condefcenfions ofour J efus ! 0 that ever he would be conceived in the womb ofa Virgin ! _ 0 that he would run through the contumelies ofour fordid nature , that he would not refufe that which we our felves are in fome fort afbamed of 1 forne think it a reafon why the Anabaptifrs , and fome others run into fuch fancies' and deny this conception of Chrift, onely to decline thofe foul mdignities (as theytakethem) ior the great God of heaven to undergo , but cerrainly this was for us , and for our fakes ; and therefore far be it from us to ho- , nour him the lefs,becaufe he laid down his honour for our fakes,no no, let us honour him more,&love him more:the lower he came 'for us,the dearer & dearer let him he unto us;conGder in all thefe tranfaetions Chrift was carrying on the gr_eat work ofour falvation, otherwife be had never been conceived, never had aifumed _. to his perfon,humane nature,qever. had .been man, , - --------- --- Of the duplii:itJ of natnres in Chrifl; . 3· THE dupli•ity of natures in Chrift <appeares in tha·t he · was t ruly God , and 'truly man. To us 11 child is · horne , faith the Prophet , there is a ·nature humane; and ; ht; /hall 6e called ·.the might} Cjod , . there is ·a natare di .. .Jra.9.6 · vme ; God· font hts Son , faith the Apofrle , thercfofe ga1. 4.4 r truly Gq~ ; and this -Son • made Gf 'a woman, therefore tru~ Jy man ; one. _would have .thought- this -truth would never have M:m -L come ;