Boek III. Chap.ISett.~ · come into coatravediein our dayes; but thefe are the !all: dayes , ,. Tim, 3 . '· and that may take ?ff the wonder; in the !aft dayes foal! co,;c Z ech,t z, 8. periloJis timu. - Men /hall rejift the truth, &c. In the !aft dayes I know there will be abundance of truth revealedJ the {zyow- ·Dm I"· 4. ledge of the L ordfoal! be as the waters that c~ver the fea, nnd e;very child /h?tll be as David. And the book that was fealedm ullbe opened·, and lz~olviedgc foal! be encreafl d; but Satan even then wi!I be as bufieto fowe his tar~s, as God is in fowing ofhis wheat,then is Satan active to commUtca~e errours, when he fees God begin to difcover truths; he hopestn the beate of the market, to vent his ~own wares;& I beleeve this is onere:~fon why now the D"vel fets on foot fo mahy dangerous errours, that fo he may prejudice the hearts of Gods people in the receiving & entertain!ng. of many glorious truths. But ~hat we may not pa£n: over "fuch a fundaI,l)'ental errouras this; fome faying with M art,ian, that he tsGod, ' but not man; and others with 0rrius that he ls man but not God; I iball therefore confirm this truth of the two natures of Chrifl: againfl: the adverfaries ofboth !ides. •. ' And, 1. ThatChrill is tme God, both apparent Scriptures; al!d unanfwerable reafons drawn from Scriptures do plainly evince. I, The Scriptures call him God. In the brginning was theWord, . and the Wdrdwas w,ith God, and the Word was God. -- And D1nn. 4; John 1 , 1 , unto the Sonne he faith, thy Throne 0 qo,J. is forever. And Thomas Heb. J, 8, an[wered and[aid unto him, my Lord, awd my God; and takt heed John zo. 18. to your[elves and to a II the flock._. - To feed the Churcp of God Af· 1o. ::.8. which he hath purchafed with hir own blood. And hereby perceive we 1 Johhn3· 16 ' theloveofGod,becaufehelayeddownhislifeforus. And we k,_now 1 o n $· 10, J" d Th" , h d 1 Tirn. 3.t6, that the Sonne o; Go is come. -- IS ts t e true Go , and · ·- eternal life. And without contr~tverjie great i.r the myflery ofgodlinef[e, God was manifcftedin the qefh. . Jolu1 j. ~ x; Phil. 3· u, ~ev. I~ 18. 2. Unanfwerab!e reafons drawn from Smptures, prove him God: thus it appeares. - I. From thofe incommunicable properties of the Deity~}Vhich are properly afcribed unto him,He is eternal as God,Rev. I, 17.He is infin! te as God; ./vf at. 8 2.20 Hie ·is omnifcient as God,Mat. 9-4 Eeis omnipotent as God. He that cometh from aboveiutbove 11/l. He iJ able toJttbdue all thi11gs unto /Jimfeif. - He hath the kfyes of hell and of de11th. z. From