(h1p. r .Sect. I. Looking unt() :Jtflu. Book ?II(. ;1... From t.hefe rdation~ h.e hatll with God, asto be the only begotten Sonne of God, {ohr~ I· I 8, The image of the Father,. 2 Cor. 4• 4· Col. I. I 5. 3. Frorn tbo Ce aCl:1afcribed to him which are only agreeable; to the divine nature, tli to be the A-uthor ofour Election. j ohn r 3. _ I 8. To klow the iec~·ets ofour hearts, M ,,, 9· 4 To hear e the prayers of his people, 'fohn 14- r4 To judge the quick and dead, f ohn 5. 22. And thps he cr.eac.es as God, {olm r. 4.. He commands. &s God M.1t. 8. 26. Heforr.ives as God, M .u. 9. 6. He faf!Cl:ifies as God, fohn' r. I z. He"glorifies as God, f ohn 1 o.i8. 4: From all thofe ackn<'>wledgements given to him by the· Saints,which are only proper unto God; and thus he ~s beleevc,f O!llS God, 'loh;13.18. He.islovedasGod, I Cor. r6.22. He is obeyed as God, lYfat. I 7· 5. He is prayed to as God, Ails 7· 1 59· HeispraifedasGod,Rev. 5.13. t!eisadoredasGod, Heb. 1. 6. Phil. z. 10. Surely all tbefe are ll:rong demonll:rations, a,nd prove clearly enough .that Chriil Jefus i> God. But why was it· requiGtc that our Saviour ihould be god? Ianfwe~~ r. Becau(e ·, ' none can fave fouls, nor fatisfie for fin -but God alone; r);ere i.r none (faith tl)e Pfalmitl) that can by any means redeem hiJ Yrother, or <f[al.1,?;1; 11" gh;e God a ranf~me for him. --- ·· b~tt God wilt rtdeem myfoul from. the power .of hell . '2. Becaufe the f11tisfaCl:ion which is maae for fin mull: be infinitely'meritorious:an infinite wrath canqot be appeafed, but by an infinir~ merit; and hence our Saviour mufl:. need( be God, to the end that his obedien~e & fufferings might be ofiafinice· price and worth.. ----.. 3. B.ecc~tlfe the ll!Jrthen of God~ wrath caanot be endured and run through by a-finite creature~- Chrifl:: therefore muf} be God, that he might abide the burthen, and fuf,. . tainc the m~nhood by his divine power. 4· Becaufe the enemiesofour falvation were ~oo thong for us! how could any creature overc-ome Satan, death, hell, damnation? Ah! this require~hbe: power of God; ther-'s :tone but God that could deftror him thnf h,1d the power of d. th , thr:~t is , the Divd. · 2 As Chrift is God, fo he is true man, he was born as·man; and bred as man, and fed as man, and il'ept as man, andwept as.. man. and forrowed' as ·man, and fuffered as man, ,and dyed as man; . and therefore he i$ man. But more particularly , r, Chriil: had a humane body; wberehre wbm ht came into tbc W()r~d,be foid, focrift.ce 11nd offering th~u · wou/drjjl