Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. I ,Sed 4• LMkinguntoJefm. Book. IV. z13 nance carried in it, an hidden 1.1ailed ftarre ~-lik! bright-. neffe (faith 7erome) which being but a /itt le revealed, it fo ra4 vijhed his <JJifciples hearts,thl>lt at the fi.rft fight thereof they left all, and followed him : and it fo aftonijhed his enemies, they ftumbled, andfell ro the ground. So then he had not our perfonal in· firmities , but onely our natural, and good reafon, for indeed he took not upon him an humane perfon, but onely an humane nature united to the perfon of his God- head. But why was it requifite that our Saviour fhould be rna? I anfwer 1. Becaufe our Saviour muft fuffer and dy for our fins , which the God-head could not do. 2. Becaufe our Saviour muft performe obedience to the Law , . whi~h was not agreeable to the law- giver. the God-head certamly ts free from all manner of fubjection~ 3· Becaufe our .sayiour muft fatisfie the jufrice of God in the fame nature wherem 1t was offended , for Jince bJ man Cor. $. 21 came death, by man came alfo the refurrellion of the de~~d. 4· Becaufe by this means .we might hav_e f~ee llcc_effe to the Th~one ofgrace, and might find help Jn our nece!fitres, havmg fuch an .hrgh P~ieft as was in all things tempted /;k.§ unto us , and was acquamtcd wuh our infirmities in his own perfon. Heb.4. I 5.-5.2. ----_________ ,_ .,__. ___ .....,_.. SECT. IV. Ofthe diftintlion of the two 1Wtms in Chrift. 4· A Real diftinction ofthefe two natures is evident , I. In regard of elfence , the God-head cannot be the manhood , nor can the man-hood be the God-head. 2. In ,r~gard ofproprieties, the God-head is moil: wife, jufr, omnipotent, yea wifdome, juil:ice, omnipotency it fclf, and fo is not the man-hood neither can it be. ~- They have diftinct wills, n9t Lukett.4 Z. my will, but thJ wit be done 0 Father. plainly differencing the will ofacreature from the will ofa cre2tor. 4· The very actions in the work of redemption are indeed infeparable, and yet difl:- inguilhable, I lay down my life and t11k.§ it up again; to lay it Job.Io 1s down was the action ofman , not ofGod ; and to take it up was ' ~he action of qod, not ofman; in thefe refpecb we fay each na N n - ~ur~