274 Book III. Looking unto ':fefas. Chap.1.Seet.4. ture remaines in it felfentire, without any conver!ion, compo!ition, commix:ion, or confufion : there is no converfion of one into the other, as when he changed water int;o wine. no compofition ofboth, no abolition of etther, no confufion a~ all. It is eafie to obferve this real diftinetion of his two natures from fidl: to laft; as fi~£1: he was conceived as others,and [o he was man; but he was concetved by the holy Ghoft as never man was, and fo he is God. 2. He was born as others,and fo ~e was man , but be was born of a Virgin as never man was, and this fpeaks him a God. 3. He was crucified , he died , and was buried, and fo he was man ; but he rofe again from the dead , a[cended into heaven, and from thence fhall come at laft to judge the quick and the dead , and fo he is God. -- Or iffrom the Apofl:Ies fymbole we go to the Gofpel, which fpeaks both natures at large ; we finde there, 1. He was born of his mother, and wrapped in fwadling clouts as being a man, but the fl:arre fhines,over him , anCI the wife men adore him, as being a God. z. He was baptized in Jordan as being aman; but the holy Ghoft from heaven defcended upon him, as being 1 God. 3. He is tempted ofSatanas being a man, but he overcame Satan, and difpoffeffed Divels, as being l God. 4- He travelled, and was thirfty, and hungry , and weary, as being a man , but he refrefhed the weary, and fed the hungry , and gave drink , even water of. life to - thethirfty, as being a God. 5· HeJleptinthe fhip, andhis Difciples awoke him, as being a man; but hJ: rebuked the winds, and Jlilled the raging of the tumultuous Seas, as being a God. 6. He was poor and needy , had not an houfe to put his head in, as being a man ; but he was, and is rich and mighty, and cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens, a5 being a God. 7· He was f~rowful, and fad, he wept and he prayed as being a man; but: he comforts the forrowful, aad heareth the prayers ofall his Saints, as being a God . 8. He was whipped, and rent, and torn , and crucified , as being a man ; but he rent the vail of the Ternpie, and caufed the Sun to hide his face for fhame when ·he was crucified , as-being a God. 9, He cryed out on the Crolfe, EM, Eloi, Lamafabacthani, asbeingaman; buthecouldfay to the thief, to day fhalt thou be with me in PP/radife, as being a God. 1 o. He dyed and was buried, and lay in the grave, a-s ~e!n& a man; • but he ov~rc~~ ~~a!h , ~nd ~efiroyed .the Diveld, . an "