Chap. I .Secr5. Looking rmto 1efas. . Booi< II£. and raifed up himfelf to life ag:1in, as being a God. 1 r. After his refurrection he appeared to his Diciples , and are with them and talked with them , as being a man ; but he provided rr]eat ' and vani!hed out oftheir fight, ~s being" G0d. 12. He afcen: ded into heaven , and the heavens now contain him as he Is man. but he fu£\:ains the heavem,and commands all therein, and ride; on the fame, as being a God. Thus we fee all along two real di£\:ina: natures £\:ill continuing in Chri£\:; God being become man the Deity was not aboli(hed , but the humane nature was adjoyn~ ed ; according to the old di!l:ick , Sum quod eram , nee eram quod fum, &c. I am that I was, but I was not that I am. You will fay , how then is it faid the Word was made flejb, or God became man? I anf?Jer, one thing may become another either by way ofchange, as when the water was turned into wine , but thus was not Chrifr, the God-head was for a time concealed, but it was never cancelled: or one thing may become another by way ofunion, as when one fub£\:ance is adjoyned unto another , and yet is not transferred or changed into the nature of the other; thus a Souldier putt,ing on his Armour ,is an armed man; or a man wearing on his garments,is no more a naked , but a cloathed man ; and yet the Armour and the Squldier , the man and his apparrel are di£\:inct things; and thus was it with Chrill; the fiefh is faid to be deified, and the Deity_is faid to be incarnate , not by the converfion of either into the nature of the other, but by affuming and adjoyning the humane nature to the divii1e, and yet frill the humane nature and the divine are dillinct things ; both the natures in Chrifl: de remain entire, and incotJfufed ; indeed-the humanity is much magnified by the divinity; but the divinity is nothing altered by the humanity - ; thus much for the difrin<9:ion ofhistwo natures. , , - -----·----""" ·--------_._.. SECT. V. of the anion 9{ the two natures ofchrift in one ttnd the fame perfon. · 5 • THE union of two natures of Chrifr in one l!nd the felf- . fame perfon , is that great wonder which now we mull: N n 2 fpeak