B.c{)k_.IV. Looking unto 1tfus. Chap. 1. Setl.s fpeak as weare able; but alas, how lhould we fpeak this union , and not be confounded in our !elves? it is a great myftery, a fecret • a wonder, many wonders have been fince the beginning of the world , but all the wonders tpat ever were , muft give place to this, and in refped thereofceafe to be wonderful: neither the creation ofall things out ofnothing , nor the reftauration of all things into their perfect being; I mean neither the iirft work northelafr work of God in this world (though moil: admirab!~ pieces) may be compared with this. This union of the two natures of Chri£1: into ontl perfon is the bigheft pitch (if any thing may be faid highe£1: in that which is infinite) ofGods wifdome goodneffe, power, and glory; well therefore faid the Angel. to' Mary, the power of the higheft jhall overjhadow thee : and ifGod did over!hadow this myfiery with his own va·11 ,, how !hould we p_refume with the men of Bethjhemefb to look .into it? Chriftians !_ if you will needs put it to the quefi:ion , , how that wonderfulconneElion Qf two fo infini~ely differing natur.es , in the unity of one perfon fbould be ejfeiled? I muft anfwer you with the Apoftle , who is [ujficient for thefe things? certainly thefe are the things which the e.Angels. dejire to ftoop , and look_into ; it is an inquiGtion fitter for an angelical intelligence, then for our !hallow capacity; and yet as t.7rfo[es could not choofe but wonder, though he muft not ciraw nigh to the bulb burning with fire, . and not confumed; fo though we dare not draw too nigh to fee this great fight , kew poor duft and ajhes./bould be ajfumed into the unity of Gods own perfo1J , and that in the middefl of thofe tverlafling burnings the bujh Jhould rtmain unconfumed , and continue fr rjh and x.reen for ever- ?JJPYC ; yet what doth hinder, but we may ftand aloofoff, and wpnder a~ it? this is one pic:ce ofour duty, to recite all the longfore- palfed acts and benefits ofGod (as well as we may ; Scripture frill going along) that thereby we may admire, and adore , a!1d expreif~ our love , and thankfulnelfe unto God. For the untying of this knot I cannot but wonder,whata world of queHions have been tolfed in fchoo~es. As . 1 wnether the union ofthe word mcarnate was m the nature? ' 2. 'Whether the union CYf the word incarnate was in the perfon ? 3. Whether the humane nature was u~ cited to the Word by way of·accident? --- 4· Whether tpe unioa of the divine .andtlumane natu.re be fomething ere- - · · · - - - · ~are~ ?