Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~~ap.r .Seer 5 • Book. IV. 2~h 3. For the ,Scriptural Texts thatconfirm tbisunion; you (ee the Well is very deep , b!lt where is our budet? what Texts ofScripture have we to confirme th is wonderful union of two natures in one perfon ! amongfl: m~ny I £hall only cite thefe. When Chrifl: asked his ApoiHes, whom do men faJ tbat I the Sonne M1 t 16, 1 ; . , ofman am ? - Simon l'e:er .rnfwered, t?ou art the Chrijl the-16, Sonne ~f the living God; now,1fbut one Chnfl: , then furely but one perfon; and,f the Soane ofman be the Sonne of the livipg God, then furely there is two natures in tpat one perfon: obferve how the Sonne ofman, and the Sonne of God, very man, and v~ry God concenterin Chrifr; a5the foul and body make but one man, fo the Sonne ofman and the Sonne ofGod make bu,t one Chrifr; tho;~ art Chrijl, faith P eter, the Sonne oftheliving God. So Paul, fpeakingof { ejuJChrift the Son~e ofqod; he tells u.sRom.r. 3 . ..,, that he waJ mttde of the feed of Dttvid accordmg to theJlefo, ttnd declared to be the SomJetifGod with Power according to the Spirit. I. Made ofthe fud ofDavid; of the fubftanceofthe Virgin, who was Davids pofterity ; 2 , Declared to be the Sonne, ofGod; not made the Sonne ofGod, as he was made the Sonne of man, but declared robethe Sonne ofGod: the Word in the Original lignifies a declaration by a folemn fentence or difinicive judgement. I rrill [; 1 decl11rethe Decree, the L ord hat h f aidui4tome, thott art my So!<lne. p a ·1 ·1· That which I point at, he is the Jonne of David, Kt.tni aap1.g. in refpeCl: of his manhood; and he is the Sonne ofGod, K<trcG' m~u""' in refpeel: of his Godhead; here be the two natures : but in the words before, thefe two natures make but one Sonne JefLs Chrifr our Lord, and in the very words themfelves he is d~clared to be the Sonne of god; he doth not fay, S onne.r, as of tWO; but hiJ Sonne {efm Chri.ft,firftbefore, &then after; to fuewuntous,that as before his,ma~ng, fo after his makjng, he is frill but one Sonne, or one perfon of the two diftinct natures fubfifting. To the fame purpofe is that fame text, in him dwe!!eth all the Col. 1. 9• f u!mf{e of the qodhead bodily ; by the union of the divine n:tture with the humane in the unity of his perfon,the Godhead dwellcth in ( hrift as the foul in the body : it dwt!leth in him bodily; not feemingly, but really, truly, and indeed: not figuratively, and in 01. fbad.ow, as be dwelleth in the Temple ; not by power and efficacy, as he dwells in all the creatures; not by grace, as in his 0 o peor\e:,