Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

28z Book IV. .Chap,I.Seet,) people, . nor by glory as in the Saints above;. but elfent ially fubftanttally, pcrfonally, the humane nature betng alfumed into union with the perfen oft~e Word. Obferve the palfages; he in whom that fulnelfe dwels, ts the perfon; that fulneffe~ which doth fo dwell in him, ii the nature; now there dwells in him not only, the fulnclfe of the Godhead, but the fulnelfe of the manhood alfo ; for we bele.eve him to be both perfeCl: God, begotten of the fubibnce of hts Father before all worlds; and perfect m~n made of the fubftance of his Mother in this world; only he in whom the fulnelfe ofthe Godhead dwelleth is one and he in whom the fulnelfe of the manhood dwelleth,is an oth;r. but he in whom the fulnelfe of both thefe natures dwelleth,isQne ~nd the fame Immanuel, and confequently one and the fame perfon; in him, (i.) In his perfon dwelleth all the fulnelfe ofthe Godhead, and all the fulnelfc of the manhood; in him dwe/l(th llU thefulneffe of the<]odhead bodily. 4· For t~e fimilitudes that refemble, or fet ~orth this myilery, rnany are gtven, but for our better underfianl.hng let us confider thefe few. --- The firft is of the foul and body that make but one man; as the foul and body are two difiinCI: things, and of feveral natures, yet being united by the hand of God, they make one perfon; fo ~he Godhead and manhood are two difiintt things , and of feveral natures, yet being united by the hand of God . they make but one ~erfon. Indeed herein is the fimilitude defeCl:ive; firft, in that the foul and body being imperfett natures,they conc:urre to make one fiill and perfeet nature of :1 man: Secondly, in that the {)[them is not drawn into the unity of the fubfifience of · the other, but both depend ofa third fubfifience, which is thal of the whole. , The fecond·is of the light andSun; as after the colledion an·d union ofthe light with the body of the Sun, no man can pluck them afunder, nor doth any man call one part the Sun and another part the light, but both of them joyntly together we call the Sun; even fo after the union ofjlefb with that true light the Word, no man .doth call the Wcrd a pareto be one Sonne of God , and the · Sonne ofman another Sonne ofGod, but both of them joyntly together we call one and the feif fame Chrifi. I know in this fimilitlld~ w: many defectives, yet if hereby we .be_not altogether · -- ·· · - able :