Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Cft ap. 1 • Sett5. Looking utito 1ef~~&, Booi< IV. able to attain the truth of chis great myllery, certainly we hav~ :fuftin. Marty. herein lil1'11ajf rxcellent Jimilitude, which will gret~tly help andcon- ;maff. 'or.Jeff tentedly fuffice the god!] 1tn.:l moderate fearcherJ o{thi1 divine ;rf:;r.m 1 truth. The third is ofa fiery and Jhming fword: as the fubfiftences of rhe fire and fword are fo nearly conjoyned, that the operations of them for the moft part concurre; for a fiery fword in cutting 1mrneth, and in burning ·cutteth, &we may fay of the whole,thlJ,t chis fiery thing is a fharp piercing word,& that this {harp piming fword is a fiery thing even fo in the union of the two natures of Chriftthere is a communication ofproperties from the one of them to the other,as lhall be declared,if the Lord permit;only chis fimi - litude is defective in this, in that lthe nature of the iron is not drawn into the unity of the fubfiftence of fire, nor is the nature of the fire drawn into the unity of the fubfifrence ofiron ; fo that we cannot fay, this fire is iron, or chis ironis fire. The fourth is of one man having twoqualit ies,or accidental na- . cures; as a man that is botb a Phylician and a Divine; he is but one per!on, and yet there are two natures concurring and meeting in that fame one perfon; fo chat we may rightly fay of fuch a one, this Phylician is a Divine,& this Divine is a P hyGeian;chis Phylician is happy in faving fouls, and this Divine is careful in curing bodies : ·even fo is Chrift both God and man, and yet but one Chrift ; and in that one Chrift according co the feveral natures are denominations ofeither part, as that this man is God, and this God is man; or that this man made the world, and this God dyed upon the croffe; but in this fimilitude is this defect, in that the different natures are accidental, and not effeotial c:Jr fubftantial. · The fifth and !aft is of the branch and tree into which it is in~ gra!fed ; as fuppofe a vine-branch and an olive-tree now a~ - this olive-tree is but one but' hath two differe~t natures in it , and fo it bear~th two kinds of fruit:, and yet between the tree and the branch there ts a compolltion, not hujus ex his , but_hHjus ttd hoc, (i.) Not of a third thing out ofthe two things umted, but of one of the two things united J or adjoynedtothe other- even fo Chrifi isone but he hath two '', different natures, and in ;hem he performs th~ different actions ' pertaining to either of them; and yet between the different na-' Oo.z. tures •