Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. I .Sect.5. 2. The nature affumed was the feed of Abraham; for verily ht> . 6 took_not m him the nature of Antels, but he took_o;t him t.he ferd 4of Heb . ~ . l Abrnham; elfewhere the Apoftle calls it the feed of1Javid, he was m.tde ofthe feed of Davilt according to rhe jlefh ; and elfewhere it is called the feed of the woman, I will put enmity between thee nnd the wom,ln, aud between thy feed and her feed, and when the ~om 1'~ fulrwJTe of tio/e was come,Cjod fent forth ~is So~ m_ade of a wo~·m; no C,~r(f;. > quefiion {be was the paffi ve,and matenal pn.nctple of whtch th~t precious flefh was made, and the holy Ghoft the agent and efficient . that bleffed womb ofhers was the Bride-chamber, wherein the holy Ghofr did knit that indiffoluble knot betwixt our humane . nature and his Deity; theS.on of God affuming into the unity of his perfon that which before he was not, even our humane nature. 0 with what afronifhment may we behold our duft. and afhes affumed into the unity of Gods own perfon ! 3- For the reafon ofrhis way; why did the perfon affume a nature ? or rather , why did not the perfon of the Son , ofGod joyn it felt' to a perfdt perfon of the Son ofman? I anfwer, - · 1. Becaufe then there could not have been a perfonal union of. both natures , and fo Chrill had not been a perfect Media- ~oc . 2. Becaufe then the work of each of the natures ofChrift could not have been cmmted the works of the whole perfon; whereas now by this union ofboth nat~es in one perfon the obedience of Chrifr performed in the man-hood is become of infinite merit, as . being the obedience ofGod; and t,hereupon God .is faid to h11ve A'Cbo, t8 , purchafrd the Church with hi; own blood. 3· Recaufe,ifthe perfon ofthe Son ofGod had been joyned to the perfon ofman , then; iliould have been four perfons in the Trinity. lt i~ very obfervable how for rhe better 'Prefervation of the integrity of the bleffed Trinity in the Godhead, the humane nature was affumed intotheunit yofthefecond perfon; for. if the fulneffe of the GodbeJd iliould have dwelt in any humane perfon; there iliould then have been a fourth .perfon neceff~rily added unro the Godhead ; and if any of the three ·perfons befldes the fecor.d . ha.i b~:en b.1ril of a woman, there iliould then have been two fonnes in rhe Trinity; whereas now.the Son ofGod and the Son of nun betng but .one perfon_, he is confequently one 0 o 3. Son~ ,