Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book IV. Son; and fo no alteration at all made in the relations of the perIons of the Trinity, but they are llill one Father, one Son and one holy Ghofl:. - ' Thefe are the deep-things of God, and indeedfo exceedingly myftical , that they can never be perfectly declared by any man. Bernard compares this ineffable myftery of the union of two natures , with that incomprehenfib:e myftery of the Trinity in unity , In the Trinity is three perfons , and one nature, in Chrifl: istwo natures , and one perfon; that of the Trinity is indeed the greateft , and this of th~ incarnation , is , like unto it ; they [ both far exceed mans capaetty,for his way isin the Sea,11nd bispath p ·11-19 d fi ft in the great wat ers,an his oot- eps are not kpow11. 2. For the effects and bend1ts o( this hypofl:.ttical union ; they are etcher in refpect of Chrift , or in rcfped: of Chrifiians. 1. Thofe in refpeel: of Chri!1:, are I. An exemption of all fin. 2 . Acollation of all graces. 3. A communication of all the properties. . I . We finde that although Chrifi appeared as a finner, and Ifa. n.u · that he was nt<m6red among thewic~a, or with thttranfgref[ours, 1 fa. S3 . I 2 . Yet in very deed and truth he did noflnne , neither 1 Pee,:. . t%. w.e; any guile f ound inhis tmuth, I Pet. 2. 22. ' The Apoftle tells Heb. 7.~6 us, hewas holy, harme!rf{e, undefiled, andfeparatefrom flnnern he affumed the nature ofman, yet by reafon of his 'pure conception , and of this hypoftatical unioon he was conceived, and born, and lived without finne: he took upon bim the feed ofman, but not the fin of man, favc: onely by imputation; but on this point I fhall not fiay. 2. The graces collated unto the humanity of Chrift by reafen of this union are very many ; I fhall infi ance in fome ; AsI, That the manhood hath his fubfiftence in the fee nd perfen of the Trinity, whereof it felf (as of it felf) is dd1:itute. 2. That the manhood is a peculiar Templefor the Deicyof Chrifr to dwell in, it is the place wh~rein the Godhead il1ews it felf more manileftly, and n~ore glorioufl y then in any other creature whatfoever; _it is true ,that by his providence he f11ews himfelfin all his creatures, and byhis grace in his Saints; but he is · - on!y