Chap. 1 .SecJ:.5. Book IV. onely moft glorioufiy, eternally, according to the fuJ neffeofhis Deity, and by an hypoftarical union in the humanity of]efus Chrift , in hi~. dwelleth all the fulnef[e ?f the godhead 6odilJ. Someareofoplnton, thatasnoWln tim ltfenom;rn cop;ethuntocol r. . 9 God but by Cbnft;fo hereafter in the next life,no man fhal fee God 0 ' 1 ' but in the face ot Jefus Chrift. 3. That the manhood is in a neerer familiarity with the Godhead then any()ther, whether men or Angels: asfome- :imes he faid , my Father and I are one : (i.) one elfence; fo he may as truly fay,the manhood and I are one, ' (i ) one perfon for ever. 4. That the manhood of Chrift according to its meafure is a Partner with the Godhead in the work of redemption and mediation: as he is Immanuel in refped of his perfon, {o he is Immanuel in refped of his office. He muft needs be man as well as God, that be might be a~letofend this comfortable melfage to thefonnes ofmen, go to my brethren and fay to them, I afcend un, to my Father and your Fttther, and to my qod ttndyour <]od. I as Jofuo·:'7 man am in the work ofredemption,and in the work of mediation, ~swell as God; my Jlefh iJ ittdeed the bread of life. · s. That the manhood ofChritl:,together with the Godheadi,s. adored and worlhipped with divine honour; as in like cafe, the · honour done to th~ King redounds to the Crown upon his bead ; not that we worlh1p the manhood alone , as meerely a creature; but that we adore the perfon ofChri£1: which confifteth of the. manhood and of the Godhead. 6. That th~ manhood hath an extraordinary meafure, .with.:. . out meafure, of habitual graces, poured into it; in this he ex.; cells the very Angels ; for to tht:m was giVen grace only by meaCure, but to the ·humanity of Chrift was given grace withoutc . meafure, even fo much as a creature is any waye(capable of. . I know it is faid t\Jilt {efus enchafed in wifdome, ,:md Jlature , and '>. in favour with God and man; but this increafe or growth inwif Luke:. 5~ dome is no ' to be underftood in refped of the effence or extention of the habit (for that he had from the beginning 1 even from the fi r£1: moment of his incarnation, and he brought it with him out of the womb) but in refped ofthe ad and ufe of tt or in refpea of his experimental knowledge, fo he encreafed' and not otberwife; never was there any but Chri£1: ~ whofe g;aces were no , •·