.. 2-&:8. Book, IV. . 1 Looking t~nto . 1ef ur. Chap. 1. Setf. S Joh.].I6 Atf.to.18 Joh.3.13 .no way fiinted, and tha~ was .tbfolutely full of grace; Divin <:s tell us ofa double grace tn Chnil; the one of union , and that is infinite: the other of unCtion (which is all one with grace habitual) and that is in a fort infinite; for howfoever it be but a finite and created thing , yet in the nature of grace it hath nolimitation ,no bonds, no flint , but includeth in it felf whatfoever any way pertaines to grace, or that cometh within the compaffe of it . The re_afon of this illimited donation of grace bellowed on the nature ofman in Chrift,was, for that grace was given to it as to the univerfal caufe, whence it was to be derived unto all others,he is the fountain of grace,and ofhis fulnef{e we receivegrace for grttce. 3. For the communication of the properties. · It is a kind, or phraze offpeech peculiar to the Scriptures , when the properties of either nature of Chrifr conlidered lingly and apart are attributed te the perfon ofChrift, from which foever of th~ natures they be denominated; for the tmderftanding ofthis, obfc:rve, 1. That words are either abilraetive , or concretive. the · fonnedpeaks the nature of things, the latter fpeaks the perfon that hath that nature; as the Godhead,and God; the: manhood, and man; holineffe, and holy. 2. Obferve that abilraetive words noting precifely the diftinet natures, cannot be affirmed one of the other; we cannot fay , the Godhead fuffered, or the manhood created ; but we may truly fay , that God fuffered and man created; becaufe the perfon which thc:fe concretive word; imply, i> one; and all aCtions, paffions, and qualities agree really to the perfon, though in refpetl: fometimes ofone nature , artdfometimesofanother; thus Godpstrch.~fed the Church with .his own blood; not that the Godhead fhed blood, but the perfon which was God; and thus the Son ofman talking with 7X.icodemm is faid to be in heaven, not that the manhood was in heaven while he was on earth , but the perfon of the Son ofman. Thus we may fay that Cod was born of a Virgin, and that God fuffered , and God was crucified; not !imply in refpetl ofhisGodhead , but in refpeet ofhts perfon, or in refpecr oft be humane nature which God united to himfelf; becaufe God here is a concrete word, and not an abftraCI:; and lignifieth the perfon of Chrifl:, and not the divine natureofChrifl:. And thus we may fay, that the JWn {hrift is Almighty, omnifc;ent, omni prefent, yet not . ~~