Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Ch:tp.z.Seet, r. L'IJokingunto j.efas. Book I. II worthy a look . they are but as vile things, as under- things, as poor and low ~nd mean,and bafe things incomparifon ofChrift: . ]cou~utll thi~gs b utlof{e (faith Paul )for the excel!encyofthe phti. J. 8 kpowledge ofChrift 'fef uo my L ord. - - 1 count t?embut dung that 1 may win Christ . a-11.rl/3~M, fome tranflate It chaffe , others dogs-meat , others excrement.•, dung ; all a~ree, it is ~uc~ a thing as men ufuall}• call away from them With fome mdtgna tion. 4· Becaufe it is according to the very law ofmarriage, there- . Jere {hall a man forfa k!; f vtther, and mother, and cleave tohis wife; Gen. %. z-tthe Lotd Chrift marries himfelf to the fouls of his Saints, I wz'fl betroth thee unto mefor ever, I will betroth thee unto me in righte- Hof.a.19 oufneJTc, and inj udgement, and in loving kjndneffe, and in mercies . ar. d for this caufe the foul muft forfake all , and cleave unto' Chrift , as married wives ufe to do, we muft leave all for our husband the Lord Jefus; HearkfnO daughter, and conjider, ·P[alm fr .t o~ and encline thineear, forget a!fo thJ own people, and thy fathers houfe . · 5. Becaufe Chrift is a fealous Chrift ; n~w jealou!ie is a paffion in the foul , that will not endure any fuaring in the objed: beloved; the woman that hath a jealous husband muft leave all her old companions: if fhe caft any amorous looks or glances after them, the husband will be jealous, and jealoufie is crud Cam.8.6 as the gra_ve. Chrifti(\ns! our God is a jell/om God, our Chrift Exod.1o.5 is a jealous Chrift, he cannot_endure that we fuould look_ on any other things,fo as to luft after them. . 6. Becaufe all ·other things can never fatisfie the eye; all things ire full of labour (faith Solomon) man cannot utfer it, the Eccle[, r. 8 rxe is not [atufied with fe~ing ; it is but wearied with lo okin~ on divers obJects, and yet fttll defires new ones : but once admit it to behold that glorious fight ofChrift, and then it reH:s fully fatisfied : hence it is that the daughters of Z ion are called to come fort?; GoforthO yedau$ht~~sofZion, and behold K ing Solomonwzth the crown wherewtth hiS mother hath crowned him in Cam. 3· 11 the d,q of his e[p~ufals, and in the day ofthe gladneffe of his heart. Go forth 0 ye daughters of Zion, lay afide all private and earthly affections, and look upon chis glory of Chrift . As the daughters of Jerufalem fitting t>r remaining in their chambers dofets, houfes, cou~d not b~hold the glory ofKing Solomon paf.. ~ ~ - finG