Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

I Book. I. Looking unto :jefus. · chap.z.secb~ fing by, and therefore they were willed co come forth of their doores: even fo , if we will behold the great King,Jefus Chrift , / in his moft excellent glory (a fight able to fatisfie the eye, and to ravi!h the heart) we mufl: come out of our doors, we muft come out ofour felves , otherwife we cannot fee his glory. we , are in onr felves !hut up in a dark dungeon , and therefor~ we are called upon to come forth into the clear light offaith, and with the eyes offaith to behold in daily meditation the glory of Chrifl: Jefus. --------------2._ SECT. II . .An Exhortation tg look offaU otbertbings. ONe word ofExhortation. ...(:hrifiians! I befeech you look_ off ~1l other things , efpeciaHy all evil things. I 'know 1 am pleading with you for an hard thing ; I had need of the Rhetorick ofan Angel to perfwade you to turn your eyes from off thefe things; nay, ifi had, all were too little ; it is Gud ~only muft perfwade {aphet ro dwell in the tents of Shrm ; and yet let me offer a few confiderations,venture at a perfwading of)(OU,artd leave the iffue with God: · r. Confider that a ll other evil things are in Gods1 account as very nothing; verily, every man at hi.· brft efl:ate u altotJthir vanity; not only man, but every man; nor every man in his worft condition , but every man at his beft rftnte; nor every mah at his heft dtate is littleworth, but every rnan at his beHetl:ate u v.t'.. nity, emptineffe, IJothil'l;'f. ; it may be f~ in part, nay, but in every part, he is wholly, totally , altogether vanity; would any man think, that a great, rich, honourable man , whom we look upon with fuchhigh ad !T) iring though ts , !hould be laid thus low in Gods efl: eeme? 0 wonder,wonder! and yet 'tis no fuch wonder, but one day you !hall finde the experience of this truth your fel ves . Richmen have jlept their fleeps , and none of the men of might hav e f ormd their hands, or asothers render it, they have found nothing in their hands; that is, rich men l1ave patTed over . · ' , this