Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.z. SeCl:.3. Looking tmto 1efus. Book I. I)' fhm there+ore let m ufe the w.vrid as if we ufed it not; therefore C > J' ff h fc h' fi d d 1 or.7. 1c, 3 x let our hearts be taken o t e e t mgs , yet a cw . ayes, an 7 you {hall be here no more ; time paffcth on , many hundred difeafes arc ready to alfault you ; you that are reading, or hearing. talking or walking, you mull: very filortly be carried on me~s {boulders, and laid in the dull, and there left to the worms in darknelfe and corruption; you are almoft there already; it is but a few day>, or moneths, or year~,:tnd what is tha t when once they are gone and pall ? and oh what .is a wJan Mn. 16,16, prcfitted, if he gaine the whole world , and then lofe his . Joule? · 7· Confider the great account that you are to give of all earthly things : it is the Iinne of moll of the fons of men to look on creature·comforts , but they confider not the account they mull: give for them. Oh here:>s a prevailing motive to take off your eyes ! Confi der the !aft accounts; what ifyou were now to die, and to go the way of all flelh , and then to make up your reckoning, what good would it do you to remember all thofe contentmentsa.nd pleafures you once enjoyed upon the earth ? If the factor after many years fpent in forreigne countries, at Jail: returns home with this bill ·of accounts, thtH mHch for jinging, fo much for dancing, this for cormin[ , that for feafting : who would no~ btan:e him f~r fo fond a ~eckoning? oh it will be a fad reckomng tf the btl! come m, that you have fpent moil: of your time in looking and gazing upon earth~ ly things. SECT. III. '{ DireE!ims how to look off all other things• . I. Stu~y every day more and more the vanity oftbe creature: Reade <.mr the bo.9k of Eccle(iaftes well; it is enough, through the alhtl:ance of Chnft, to teach you that leffon. A ferious and fruitful meditation of that word, Vttnity of var:itirs, fltith Eccle(I.~ ~he Prt~chtr, vanity of vanities, all u ·vanity, what work might tt mak~ myour heart~ ? men ufually ,look on thcfe things through · --·- · fome .