~hap.3. SeCl:,r. Lovking unto 1tfus. Book I~ fore in thisfpecial refpect he is called our Saviour, our 'fefm, and none buthe. · This objed:, though contained in a word, is very comprehenfive . herein is fet forth to our view, the offices of Chrift, the two' natures of Chrift , the qualities of Chrift, the excellencies of Chrift; 0 what variety of fweet matter is in 'fefm ? he bath in him all tht; P?w~ers of the merchants; an ~oly foule ~an-· Canq.6. not tyre it felf m vtewmg [efm; we know one thmg tyres qUick~ ly, unlefl'e that one be all ; :vhich fo ~s Cluift, and none e~fe , he u all and in all; all belongtng to betng; and all belongmg to Col. 3·11 well being. in things below Je[PA, fome have this excellency,and fome have ~bat,but nor.e have all;and this withers contemplation at the root;contemplation is foul-recreation,& recreation is kept up by variety;but 0 what variety is in Jefns?variety oftime,He u Alpha andOmega; variety ofbeauty,he is white and r~tddy: varie£¥ ofquality,he is a lion & alamb,a fervant and a fon; variety of the excellency in the world , he is man, and God.O where fhall we . begin in this view of Jefus? Who jhall decli!ire his generation ? or Efay H •S ' who fbali count and reckon his age?- A.llthe Evangelifts exhibit unto us the SaviotJr,bbt every one of them in his particular method; Mar/z_defcribei not at all the gC'nealogy of Jefm, but begins his hifiory at his baptifm; Matthew fearcheth out his original from Abraham; Luk! follows it backwards as farre as Adam ; 'fohn pafl'eth further upwards , even to the eternal generation of this Word th11t w.u made flefb: So they lead us to 'fefm, mounting up four feveral fieps ; in the one we fee him onely among the men of his own time; in the fecond he is feen in the tent of Abrah..tm; in the third he is yet higher , to wit in Adam; and finally having traverfed all ages, through fo many generations, we come to contemplate him in the beginnir.Jg, in the bofome of the Father, in tha': eternity in which he was with God before all worlds : And there let m begin, ~ill looking Plnro 'fefm , as he carnes on ~he grea work ofourfalyat1on from firft ·to !aft; from everla!hng !. te everlafiing. SECT;.