Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

13ook.l. Looking unto 1efus, Cbap.·3. Sett.3 beauty thllt we foould dejire him. Let no man deceive himlfa.p. 3· felf though he ca£l: his (yes towards heaven all the day long if he 'love not this work , he doth nothing , he look§ no; 11t {cfl#. 3. When it's not done according to the rule , this is not to c' .I • 2.0. e~te the Lords .ufper, [aid Paul ~0 bis Corinthians ; n? que1 or 1 · £l:10n they dtd eate It, but becaufe It was not done after Its duemanner, he faith, this is not to eate the Lords Supper. Many think of Chriil, and lock.._ up to {e[l#, but becaufe their thoughts are not hol};, awful, and fubjecbng to the '\ pirit, in no way proportiom.ble to the goodneffe and glory of the S~nne of God, they look loofely, careleffely, and carnally upon htm, he therefore reckons it as not done, this is not to loolzunto Jt[m. 4· When a man makes it not hii courfe and trade to loob unto Jefus. Aman may come unto a Carpenters houfe, and take up his tooles, and do fomething at his work, but this makes htm not ~ Carpenter, becaufe it is not his trade. The heft Saints Gnne, yet becaufe it is not their trade and courfe, they are faid , not to lJ1ohn f,IS. -finne, whq(oe·ver is borne of God finneth not. And fo ungodly J . men may look, and mufe, and meditate, and think of Chrift but b~caufe this is not their courfe and' trade , they make it' not their work to look to Chrift, they are therefore faid, not to look tu him. Why,now confider, you that plead that you are Chrifi-ians and that you minde Chrift at this very infi-ant , that you are id the duty, evenwhiieft I am fpeaking of it, and yet you neither do it to purpofe, nor willingly, nor according to rule, nor as it is your trade; is it not with you, as it is with them of whom thrift fpake, many wilt fay to me at thM day, Lrd, L ord, ha1:1e -we M'ncb. J.H. not prophejied in thy name?· and in rhy n!#ne have c.1ft out deviIs? and in thy name ha?.JC dane mmry wonderfi:l work.! .? they will plead at the lafi day as you plead now, but for all that, you vetfe ~3· know the anfwer, I never k,.ntw you, depart from me ye workers of iniqttity. Surely Ch~ ift v tll fay to you one day, I kztow you not, 1 wM a jfrang;tr zo you upon el!rth, 1 could not have an rye fr~m you, but when y our idle JPirits pleafed; 1111d now out of rny fight, ile never owne you nor look upon you more. 2.· Forthe godly, are not they carele!feofthisduty? 0 their -~ - ---- . - ---- ---_ . ~~~r~