Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Mau:.u,7, H_,b.I. 3· Cant. 6 . ~. C.•m. 4· 9 Looking unto 1efos. Chap. 3. Sect~3 dernefle to fee? So may I aske their loofr.!"nt unto 'fefm, what went ye out to_ ~e~? w~e~ you crawle, and move,.as if you had no heaccs, nor 1pmts wtthm you, whom go-ye forth to fee? what,_him that is the Lord of glory?· wha-t, him that is the brightnefJe of his Fathers gl~ry, and t?e exprejJe image of his perfon? what, are fuch heavte and lazte afpeCl:s fit to ·cake in foch a glory as thts is? you fee tn what large ftreames your thoughts flie forth to other thing~, and are you onely languifhing, weak, and feeble in things of fo great concernment? Oh that Chriftians fhould be cold in fpirituals, and hot in the purfuit of earthly temporal things! /' 3. In not binding of their minds to this object, in not fraying the eye on Jefus Chrifr. Some rna~ give a glance at Chrifr, but they are prefently \Vheeled off agam: but why doth not the eye abide there, at leafr till it come to fome profitable ilfue: is ... , not Chrifr worthy on whom our fouls fhould dwell? Certainly if we love our Jefus, that love wiH hold us ; Chrill: then will be in our thoughts, and minds, and we cannot-off-him : as the loa.dflone ha.ving drawn the iron, it keeps it fall. to it felf, fo if love draw our hearts, it holds it fall to the object loved. , Chrift himfelf acknowledgeth fuch an operation of love upon himfel£, TMne away thine eyes, for they have overcome me; thDH haft ravijhed my- hMrt, my (ijler, my !poufe, with one of thine eyes : Chrifr was held in the galleries, and captivated with love to his people, fo that his eye was ever upon them; nay, he.could not get . his eyes off them, Can a mother forget her child ? no more ca., I forget you ; and is Chrift fo tender in his Jove towards us, that he ever minds us, and fhall our mindes be fo_ loofe to him ? fo fluttering, and fleeting? fhall there be no more care to binde our felves in cords oflove to him, .who hath hound himfelfinfuch cords oflove to us f · 4· In not dayly exerciiing this bleffed duty; it may be now and then they are awakened, and they get up into heaven to fee thejr Jefus , but it is not dayly. Oh confider! Is this new and then going to heaven. within thevaile, to live the life of friends? is this to carry ou.r felves as children? what, to be fo flrange at home? but now and then? once in a moneth, in a year? there to ~e fe!dornf'. wherL" we fhould alwa.yes be ! Is Jefus Chrifi·fuch a !Dean thwg, that a vtlit now and then ihould ferve the turne? the