Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Looking unto 'fejtss. Book I. 3I Chrifl:ian !hould do much more; if a cook can labour and fweat about your meat,becaufe it is the trade that maintains him, though perhaps he tafie it not hi~felf; Methi_nks, you for whom it is prepared, fuould take the pames to tafie tts fweetlleffe '. and feed i.lpon it. Chrill:ians! if your fouls were found and nght, they wo~ld pe~cei_ve inwmr:arably ~ore deligl:c an_d fiv~etneffe in knowmg, thmkmg, beleevmg, lovmg_ an? reJoycmg m Jefus Chrill then the foundefi fiomack findes 111 hts food,or the firongefi fenfes in the enjoyment of their objeds. Now for fhame never fay,yoncannot reach it, l can do all things (faith Paul) through . Chrifl that Jfrengtheneth me.· Oh it is our floath, our fecurity, Plul. 4· 13• our carnal minde, which is enmity to God and Chrifl:, that keep3 us off. Be exhorted! Oh be exhorted in the fear ofGod ! --~.-----~_..___...,. ________ , SEC T.V. Motives from .ourwa11ts in cafe df negletl, TO quicken us to this duty; I !hall propound fome moving . confiderations; Ponder and weigh them with anirr;?.arrial Judgement;· who knows but through the;:~ffifi:ance otChr!Lt they may prove•effeCl:ual with your hearts, an!l make ypu to refolve upon this excellent duty of lookjng unto JEfus. Con{id ~I. Our wants,in ca{e of our neglect, . 1 er . . . . . . z. Our nches,tn cafe we are ltvely 111 tbts duty. . r. For our wants; ifChrifi be not in view, _there is nothing but wants. , Suppofe firfi a <:hrifi!effe fo_ul; a poor creature wi thout a;y hearne or ray ofthts Sun of rtfh; eottfmf]e and what fad condition is he in? I may fay offuch"'a one that'- r. He is wi~~out li~ht: tl1_ere !s no oi le of faving knowl•!dge, no fiarre of fpmtuall1ght anl111g mhis foul· ye were once t/,:rk.- E 1 [ 8 nef[e, fait~ the ApofHe to his Ephefians: ~oc onely dark, but l' te · 5' • · d~rkneffe tt feJf; they ~ere wfiolly dark, Univerfally dark , .I C!- ~tng ~o mtxrure,nor gltmpfe (wh!lefl: without Chrifl:) offpiritt d ltght 111 them. Of fuch carnat wretches, faith our Saviour, ! Y J