Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

34 c~m &, ~· ·f . '> • '$ - Bopk.I. Looking unto :fefos. , Chap. 3. Sects~. 2. They do not fo tafte the goo~neffe ?f Chrift, as otherwife they might, Chrift is no other unto ;hem, whilell negleded by them; but as an ec!ipfed ftarre, with whofe light they are not at all affecte4; Cl~rifr is not fwee~ to them in his Ordinances, they finde not,in them that delight and refrefhment , that comfort and contentmenr, which ,they ufually miniller : the}' cannot. faY. offhrifr ~s~9e fpoufe di~, I {ate don:n under his jhadow with gre11t deligh.t, and hu jrUJt wtU /weet to my tafte; they are . in the cafe .of BPZnillai , who could not tafte what he did eP/te, or what 'hr: ' d1d . dr·ink ; nor cott!d hear any .more the · v•ice of Jinging men, or offinging womm : 10 they cannot tafie the things ofGod, nor hear the fpiriru_al melody which Chrift makes to the . fouls of them that loo/zup to him. 3.' They have not that loye to Chrift, which Chrifts beholders have. thevmeditate not upon Chrill as lovers on their love- - they delight not themfelve) in Chrifr, as the rich man in his trea: fure, and the bride in the bridegroome which they love 0 their thoughts are rather on the world then Chrift ; their pala'tes are fo difrempered, that they have no the choyceft wine • _ theycannot fay that their fouls long after him; and no wonder· > for how fhould i:hey love Chrifr, who turne their eyes from hi~ who is the faireft of ten thouj<mdr to other objects? Surely they have no fla'mmg, burnins love to Chnft, ~hat will give every bafe thing a k•ode of prehemmence above Chnft. . 4. They haxe not that fenfe ofChrifis love, which thofe that exercife this d_uty have , whilefi the foul negleCl:s Chrift, it cannot pol1i?ly difcern the love ofChrifr,it perceives not Chnfi: applying the doctrines of!llS love to the confctence: Chnft appears . not in his banquetting-houfe,he enablCts not the foul to pray with confidence, he makes it not joyful in the houfe of prayer. And hence it is ftich fonls move fo flowly in Gods fervice; they are julllike Pharaohs charrets, without wheels; 0 they perceive . not the love ofChriH:, either in the clear revelation of his fecrets or in the free commun~ cation of his gra(es, or in.rhe fanCl:ifying and fwee.tning of their tryals,or in fealing up the pardon of their finnes": 0 they feel not thofe ravifhing comforts whkh ufually Chrifr fpeaks to the ~eart, when he fpeaks fr9m his heart in love. . 0 t_he want! 0 the mifery.of this want! · j._ Jhey ~~~ 11~ ~~~~ ~xp~r!~!l~~ ~f ~I1e pol!~ ~f Chhr~frb,' - ~-!~-