Jqhn I. lei. J<~.hn 1., 17.-. Book. I; Looking unto :fefos. <::hap. 3. Sed6;. then this appears in this glalfe of'fefm ~the foul th.at looks ·here cannot but comprebend an end of all other"perfection ; yea, th~ further it looks on the cre:ature, the deeper and deeper vanities it difcerns. But alas ! there is no obfervation, no fenfe, no feeling either of mans wants, or of the worlds vanitie, or of any futab!e good in Chrifi,to them that are not in this divine and fpiritual contemplation. . · Thus.far of their wants that neglect, this -duty of lfJckj_ng_ u11to J.efm.. SECT. VI. .MPtives from our riches in c4fe we are-lively in·tbiJ duty~ 2.FOr Oll!' rwhes, in cafe we are lively in this duty; 0 the blelfed i,ncomes to fuch fouls! I , may reckon np here · thofe very particulars which the others wanted. I. That Chrift gives light unto them; as the receiving ofthe Sun gives light to the body,fo the receiving ofthe Sun of righteouf~e.fje gives ijght;a fpiritual, heavenly,, and COll)fortable light to the1r fouls. 2. That Chrifi gives grace and . holinelfe unto them; of hu fulnejfe we receive grace fo,· grace. A-s the print upon the waxe anfwers . to the feale, .or as the charaders upon the fonne anfwers to the father; fo there are certaine framps of .the grace of Chrift upon the Saints, that what good they do, it fprings not from external motives only, as -in hypocrites, but from Chrifr working in them an inward principle ofnew nature; and upon this account doth {o.hn tell us, t~e Law wao given by Mofts, , but grace .rnd trHth c11me by {tfus Chriff. 3. That Chrifi gives contentation or fatisfaction unto them; as the pearte fatisliedtheMerchant in the Parable with treafu_re,_ fo ~hriiHatisfleth . the f~ul with wif.. dome in the uoderfraodmg, w1th the fenfe of h1s love Ill the heart, with fure and blefied peace in the confc1ence; they that rightly fo~i( Hnto 'ff[m, may fayas {acob did, I have enough. 4· That Chrift gives gl-ory uato them; he is the t,lory 11! Ifrae/, be is both the Author, and the matcer of their glory; he is the gk>r,y of their juftification, as the ga~ment is the glory of him that W!:ar~s it; he is !he&lory of .their redemption,.as theranfomer - ' i~