Chap.3.Se8:,6. Book I. 37 is the glory of the captive: he is, the glory of their fanCl:ification, as {ord:m cleaniing him fro~ his leprofie was the gl,ory of Naarrlfln. he is their 11 !1 in 11/l In whom they glory, and to whom~ Cor. r. r 9 , ·- t hey give flll hcnot1r, and Klory, and pon,er, an~p-rai(e. 5: That Chrifr gives peace unto them, God 11 tn Chrift reconclbnz tbe , world unto himfelf, he is the Author, and the world are the object of this reconciliation. C/;rift is our pea~e; . and peace is Ephef. z. 14 , preached /;y { efm Ch~ift; they that ~ear Chnfi In th~ Word, orthat, look_ untdChrift by the eye offatth, they have thts peace; A Cis io. 36, for, Chrift onely in Ordinances is the revealer, and procurer, and the worker of peace in all the children of peace. 6. That Chrift procures acceptation with God for them; he fiands betwixt God lnd fuch belecvers; and as they minde him, fo he is ever · mindfurofthem, plead!ng their caufe, anfwering all the accufationsofSatan, and praying to his Father in their behalf. 7. That Chrifr gives life unto them , he th11t hath the Sonne , hath life ; J b 5 he that-hath Chrifi in his heart as-a root of life living in him, or 1 " n 1 ' as a King fetting up his throne within him, or as a Bridegroome betroathmg himfelfin loving kindnelfe to him, he htuh life, the life of grace, and theearneft of the life ofglory. 8. ThatChrift -gives wifdome unto them, Chrift hath in him all the treafures of wifdome, ~nd therefore be that looks moil ·to Chrift is the wifefr man in the world; be that hath th~ Sun, hath more light then be that hath all otherlights in the world, and wants the Sun . 9· That Chrifi gives a tafteof his goodneife unto them ; they .cannot look__~nto him, but he makes them joyful with the . feeling of himfelf and Spirit ; .and hence it is that many -times · they break out into Pfa{lJJe.r, 11nd Hymnes, and jpiritu~t! Jong.r, E{'hcf. 5· ·'~· ' and mal:! melody in thtir hearts unto the Lord. 0 ·there is a goodnelfe of illumination, regeneration, fand:ification, confolation, contentation, pacification, and.fpiritual freedome flowing ~ from Chrift·to the fouls of his Saints, ·which to carnal .men is a fealed w·eiJ, whofe Waters their pa1ates never tafied: l I 0 ; . That Chrif.l gives a fincere and inward love of bimfelf unto their · hearts. No fooner is their eye of faith lookint unto Iefm , but · prefently their heart is all on fire . fuch a futablenelfe is betwixt Chi'ift and their fouls , as is b'etwi'xt the hearts of lovers. their love to Chrift is like the love of ronathan to David, a wo~derful ' love, and paffinl the love of !J'Smen ; they Jove him as the bride- :. Sam. 1.16! . ~ groo~ .