Book. I. Looking unto 1efttS. groometo whom their fouls are married, as the choycefl: pearle by whom they are enriched, as the Sun of confolation, by whofe beames their louis are comforted, as the fountain by whom their hearts are refrefhed,and their delires every way fatis!1edi I I. That Chri!l gives the fenfe of his own love to them, they cannot loc k. on Chrift, but they fee him loving, and embracing their humble fouls; they fee him binding up their brok~n hearts; they behold _.him gathering to himfelf, and bearing in the bofome of his love, and comfortipg with the promi.fes of his Word their wounded fpirits; they behold him like 'facob fervtng in the heat, and in the cold for Rach.el, ferving in manifold afflictions from his cradle to his croffe; to make a fpoufe Ut:lto himfelf. . I 2 . That Chrifr gives the experitmce of his power to them; they that loo/z. on ChriH, do feele the power of Chrift inwardly in their fouls, diffolving the works of Satan, calling-down his kingdome, and mighty holds within them, .healing all their fpiritual maladies, fullaining themin all affliCtions, filling their fouls with allfpirirual and heavenly might, making them {hong in··knowledge, and , {l:rong in faith, and {hong in lov.e, and ftrong in motion , and coming.w Chrifi, as a river of much waters i~ !hong in coming home to the Ocean. ·r 3· That Chrift gives the fenfe of his own , worth and· e;;.cellency unto them, they fee no·.v in Chrill: is wif- . dome furpaffing the brightnelfe of the Sun, ev~n allwe treafures of wifdome; in Chl'ifi is power excelling ·t-he fl:rength of rocks, he is not onely il:rong, but ·ftrength it felf, in Chrift is honour ·tranfcending-ati the Kings of the <;:artb, for he is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ; in Chrift is beauty excelling the Rofe of .:-Sharo.n, and Lillyof the val!eyes, he is fairer then all the flowers of the field,,t11en all the precious £tones of the earth, then all the lights in the firmament, ·then all the Saints and Angels in the -higheft heavens. · 14. That Chrift gives the fenfe of their wants, and of the worlds vanity, and-of his futable goodnefl'e unto them. In lockjng unto { cfm they fee 'themfel~es in themfelves miferable, and all other things miferablecomfo~ters: they have learnt the meaning of that Pfa.lme , Put not your trujl- in Princes, nor in · ·: Pfsl. I'\6.3,4· the j&nne of man, and in whom the re uno help, hu breath goeth forth, he oreturneth to hu earth, in that very day his thoughts . perijh; .hllppy u · the ' man thllt hath the god of 'facob for his God, whifih~rpe u ino·tbe Lord ; hr~God. 15, ThatGhrifrgives · · all