Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

draws near our part of the earth, how do all things congratulate its approach? the earth looks green, the trees £hoot forth , the plants revive, the birds 6ng fweetly, the face of all things fmiles upon us, and all the cn;atures below r.eioyce: Chriil:i.tns! if you . would but draw near, and lo()kon tlus Sun of righteoufn.~fff, Jefus Chrifi, what'a fpr(ng of joy would be within you ? how would yourgracesbefrefh and greene? how w?uld you forge~ yo~r winter forrowes? how early would you nfe (as thofe btrds 10 the fpring) to fing the praife of our great Creatour , and deare Redeemer. 6.. Con6der that your eye on Je!us will p-refervc the vigour of all your graces. As the body is apt to be changed into the temper of the aire it breaths in, and the food it lives on,fo will yo.prfpirirs receive an alteration according to the obj~Cl:s which they are exercifed about. You that complaine of deadneife and dulneife, that you cannot love Chrift, nor rejoyce in his loves, that you have no life in prayer, nor any other duty, and yet you never tried this quickning courfe, or at leaft you were careleife 'and unconftantinit; what, are not you thecaufe ofyourown com~ plaints? fay, u not your life hid with {hrift in God?. 0 whither mt)ft you go but to Chrift for it? If you would have l!ight and heat, why then are you not more in the flln-fhine ? if you would have more of that grace which flowes from Chrift, why are you no more with Chrift for it? for want of this recourfe to J efu~ Chril.l, your fouls are as candles that are not lighted, and your duties are asfacrifices which have no fire; fetch one coale daily from this Altar, and fee if your offerings will not burne, keep dof~ to this reviving fire,and fee ifyour affections will not warm. Surely if th.ere be any comfort of hope, if any flames of love, if any life offaith, if any vigour of difpo6tions, if any motions towards.God, if any mel rings of a foftned heart , they flow from hence; men are apt co bewaile their want of defire, and hope; and joy, and fai:h, iind love to [efm Chrift, whileft this very duty would nounfh all thefe.· . Confider it's but equal that your hearts {hould be on Chrift; whe~ the heart ofChrift is fo much on you. Chrifi: is our friend, nnd tn tha.t refpeel: he loves us, and bears us in his heart·and {hall not ~e ~e in ours? Surely ~his is ill requitaf; this i' ·a ~reat con- ~~~~~1~~ ~~ ~~~ !~! ~ffnendfuip: But Chrift is our Lord as well ---..---·- G 2 . -- --- ---- - - as -- ·--' - 43