Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

44 . Book.l~ Leoking nnto 1efos. Chap. 3. Se6l7 as friend ; and if the Lord ofglory can fioop fo low as to ·ret his . heart on Gnful duft,one would think wdhould eafilybe perfwaded to fet our hearts on Jefus C~rift.Chriftians! do )'OU not perceive that the hem of Chrift is fet upon your -and that he is frill miatling you with tender Jove, even when you forget-both:your felves and him? do you not finde him following you with daily mercies, moving on your fouls, providing for your bodies, and preferving both !, doth not he bear you continualLy in the armes of love, and promife. that all/halt work,_ together f~r your good? doth he not give his Angels charge over you, and fuit all bis dealing• to your·greatefi advantage?- and can you fisde in your hearts to call: him by? can you forget y.our-Lord1 who forge~s not you? .fie upon this unkinde ingratitude ! When the Lord fpea~s of his-thoughts and refpects to us, he gives this language,. Can a woman f orget her fuckjng-childe, that foe jbou/d not have Iia 49·1 ).16 compaffion on ·rhe fonne of her womb? yea, they may f orgrt, yet . wilt not- I forg et. Behold I have graven thee upon. the ptzlmes ef my .hands\ thy- wallY are continuallj , before me. But when h~ fpeaks ofourthoughts t9 bim, the .cafe is otherwife: Cw 4 .- J~r_.qt: maid ,forget her Grnammts ', or a b<ida her attire? yet my people hillve forgotten, me dayes without nKmber, q. d. you would not,forget the cloaths on your backs, you would not forget your braveries, your ornaments, your attires, and are thefc of more worth then Chrifr? yet you can forget me day after day. 8 . Confider it's a. c.ommand of Chrifr that we thould look_ to 'lefm. 'Behold me ,l. b'ehold me; loe I , foe 1; A command not only backt with authority ,but accompanied with fpecialOrdinances appointed to this end:wbat,is Baptifm?and what is the Lo.[ds Sqpper, but the reprefentation ofJefus ( hriftl ' Is it notChritls commandin his lallSuppel',Do thio in rememb.ranc.e of mt?and thio · d~ye M oft 114yedrinkjn. remembranc-e of me? In this Ordinance ~, Cor· I 1 · l4"we have CJmfr crucified before our eyes, and can we forget him? 1 · _ or can we hold. our eyes off.hjm ? can. we fee the bread broken, and the wine diftinctly fevered froem the bread,: and.not call to minde (according to the Scrip.tur ) d~ri fts agoniejn the garden, and on the croffe ! ca.n we rake, _a ndceate the bread? and take, and drink rhe CIJp,and nut apprehend Chnft ftooping down from heaven to feed our fouls? At fuch a time if we forget the Lord Jefus. Chrifr,it will argue our di[affedi~n,Qur ingratitude,our dif- ~b.~:di~n~~ e!ery \Vay~ . 9.C~l}'J