Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap.3.Sett.8. Looking unto :fefns. Book I. 45 9~ ConGder it'~ both work and wages to look,. up unto Jefw. Hence <])avid profeffed, it is gtod for me to draw near to thee, Pf.7J.tS; and my medittJtion of hi~ foal/ be [weer: _the word imports a•H4• f.weetnetfe with f!Jixture,.ltke compound fp1ces, or E,-ery thought of Jefus is fweet ai:Jd pleafant, nay, it's better · then wine we will remember thy love mor-e . thm wine; there Canr. r.4. is more co~tent in contemplating on Chrift, more refrefhing to the fpirit, then wine gives to. the body, How preciom are thy Pf.J 39·17: . thougbts unto me 0 God? look in what k~nde foeveryouaccount a thing preciou~, fo precio~s. ar~. the thoughts of God, and Chrift to aman, whofe heart 1s m nght frame, Such a one loves· every glance ofChrift, and the! more it fees, the more it loves; It is faid of one Eudo.vim, that he wifhed he might be admitted to come near the body ofthe Sunne,to have a full view of it, though · it devoured him ; he was fomething rafh in his wifh , but there isfomething proportionable in a godly fpirit,he fo loves thrift, thatnecould be content to be [wallowed.up in the beholding of hillJ: Certainly there is a b!effing in thiswork; when we are .hid to look,. unto Jefm:, it i5 but. to receive from Jefus : is it any thing elfe but to ·call and invite us to look on the moft pleaGng · and delightful-objed: ? that in the beholding of it, it may convey it felf unto us, and we be delighted and filled with it ? it is all one as if he fb.ould bid us Gt down by a well of life,and drink; ·or it he fhould bid us, be as the Angels are, who are blelfed in ·the beholding of this Jefus; whycome then, it this be a ble.tfed work, why win we unblelfe our felves ?. if the w.ork will exalt us, why · will we debafe our felves,in not doling with it? if we might live above heaven, why w111 we live below? certainly when thoughts · of Chrift are moving in us, Chrift himfelfis not far. off, he will · c.ome, and enter too; and how.fweet is it for Chrift to c0me and · take up his habitation in our fouls ? 10. <;:onGder how the Angels exceedingly deiire to look,. on Je- /m-: they ftoop down and pry into the nature, offices, and graces of Jefus C~rift :which things (faith the Apoftle) the Angels 1 Pet.J.xa}. de fire to leak,. tnto. . He alludes to the mann'er of, eiiibims , · looking down into the mercy-feat; thiS'<is th udy, yea this is thedelighr a~d r:ecreatio~n of theelectA.ngelsto look on Jefm, and _to look mto the_ feveral fcop~s--Of our falvation by Jefus Chnft, t9 ~ehold the.whoie-franle, and fabrick of it, co obferve alL