Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Book. I. Looking unto ;_fefus, Chap.3.Sed:.8. Jill the parts of it from the beginning to the end, to confider all the glorious attributes ofGod, hts wifdome, power, juftice mercy, all fhining and glittcrin_g in it like bright flarsin the firmament; this I fay is their work, yea, this is their feftivity and pa- ~ime. And !hall not we imitate the Angels? fhall·not we think 1t our honour to be admitted to the fame priviledge with the Angels? · ~ita con:c!'!pl~- n. Confiderthat loekirtg unto {efus is the work of heaven; ttv.t, mtpll Ill it iJ hgun in thiJ· life (faith Bernard) but it u perfeEled in ~f,'J:i~1fi,ru1:.-- that life to come ; not onely Angels 1 bu~ the Saints i~ glory do .»ern, ever behold the face oLGod and Chnil: : tf then we ltke not-this - -work, how will we live in heaven? the diflike of this duty is a 'bar againft our eotrance ; for the life of bleffedneffe is a life of r- vifion, furely ifwe take no delight in this,' heaven is no place for .us. 12. Confider that nothing elfe is in comparifon worth the -•minding, or looking after. IfChrift have not your hearts, who? or what_fhould have them? 0 that any Chriftian fhould rather ,delight to have his heart amon~ thornes and briars, then in the ,bofome of his deareft Jefus! why fhould you follow after drops, and neglea: the fouritaine? why fhould you flie after fhadowes, and neglect him who is the true fubflance ? if the mind have its currant from Chrift toward other things; thefe things are not only of leffe concernment, but detlrucbve :they are gone far from Jer.:, .1- ~ me, and have walkrd after vanity, and are become vaine. How ·unworthy the world is of the look ofChriflians, efpecially when it ftands in competition with Jefus, we have difcuffed before. !Jfe 3 ~ - Many other Motives might be given, but let thefe fufike. I have done with the exhortation; In the next place I fhall Jay open to you the. parti~ular way _of this duty, which all this while I have been perfwading to. · SECT. Vtn. rfe of direlliorJ. IS inward, eliperi.mental looking unto ?efus ~ ·cn.oyce, or an · high Gofpel or9mance ? ~hy the[} [~!!~e ~!r~~lO!:IS how we are