-------------------------------------------- To the Right Hol}ourabie WILLIAM ~ . EARLE of Bedford, L 0 R D R U S S E L., . BARON Of -·' THOKNEHAVGH~ .,, Right Honourable, · Nee I made bold co prefix an Epifile to your honour, before my book eatitled Ultima , fince which time, you have continued with increafe your won~ ted favours ; As the Sun that rejoyceth to run his race, aRd is unwearied after his many revolutions ; [o year after year have you indefatigably expre!fed your great Bouncy, whereby both my felf and family have been exceedingly refre{h- . ed. As I canhot but in way of thankfulneffe ackri<?Wledge thus much. So I iliall be a fincere Remembrancer both of your Honour, ·and your neareft Relations·at the Throne ofGrace. . My Lord; I have now compofed this work, containmg a nece!faty practice and high priviledge ofevery * Chriftian