Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

, Book.!. Looking unto :Jefus. Chap. .j.Sett.·s the art how .you are to'/oo~ upon them. · You may object, the Aponte in this text refers this look onely to the paffion and feffion of Chrift. But a worthy Interpreter Andr.Ser Qn rbc tells you out ofthefe words, That Chrift our btej].'ed Saviour u words. ' to be look.fd on at all times, and in all aas; though indeed,then, and in thofe afls more eff-ecial!y. Befides,weare to look_ unto JtfuJ, as the .0~thor and flnifber of our faith; and why as the Author and finifuer and finifuer of our faith, but to hint out tous that we are to .ftand J1ill, and to behold, as with a eye, wh1t he is from firft to I aft? You have called us hither (fay they in Canticle.r) to fee·your Shulamite, What jJ;ali we foe in him? What faith the Spoufe, bm M the company of two armies J that is, many kgions of good fights; an Ocean of bottomleffe depths of manifold high .perfections. Or if thefe wor.ds be undcril:ood of the Spoufe,and not ofChri.ft, yet how many words do we finde in Canticles exprefling in him many ·goodl.y fights? .tMyrrhe, A!eeJ, and Cinamon, all the perfumes, all the trees of Frankjncenfe , all the powders of the A1crchAnts a·e in him; he u altogether lovely :be is all e-very whit of him a confluence, a bundle, an army ofglorious fights; all in one cluiler,meeting and growing upon oneftalke. There's many glorious fights in refm, I {ball not therefore limit my felfro thofe two efpecial ones, bur take all thoit: before me I have now propounded. And nowifever ilir up your hearts. Say to all worldly buMat.~6 3-6. fineife and thoughts, .as Chri·il to the Difciples, Sit you he.zr, l'fhi!e I go md .pray yonder. Or as Abraham when he went to, . facrifice Jf.zac, left his fervants and Aife be-low the Mount, fayiqg, Stay you here, and I and the lad will go yonder, and worJbiP , and come agai11 to you; fo fay you to all worldly thoughts, Abide you b(~ow, while I 1,0 up t~ Chrijf, and then I 'fl'il! rerurne ropu ,;~gain. Chriftians ! your felves may be welcome, but fqch followers may nqt. LOOKING