Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

'l'he Epiftle Dedicatory. for nece(ftty is l~tid upon me; yea, wee unto me, if I c .6 • hAd ntJt pre.tched the Gojpel. And now my brethren, I 1 or 9 ' ' commenJ you to ·God, .tnd to the Word of his grace, JvhJch· Atts to .~ 1. is able to bt~ild yotJ ttp, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are fanffified. It is fome comfort that I {hall not be fo fane dill:anc from you,bur that often I may {ee yottr f ace againe: but though llie in the dark9 and henceforth be as aman forgotten in the world, yet I !hall remember you in my pFayers, and de fire your remembrance of me fometimes, that we may all meet in l1~~ven,and never part more. It is rhe defire of. Tour Serva1it i11 Chrifi' JefTH, J. A. Prov,