Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 1. Seet. f. Lopking unto 1efus. Book. II. 59 thought; but fometimes the foul doth mufe, or -meditate, on it felf, as when it thinks of its own eifence, or faculties, or the like; and this we call a reflex thought, why now the foul underftands it f<!lf, now it hath fome Idea,or image ofit felf, now it conceives it felf; this is our phraze, it, conceives it [elf. There is not only a carnal, but a fpir itual conception; as when I underftand this or that, I fay, I conceive thu or that, I have the Idea, or image .of this Qrthat within my fouL Or as .in a gla!fe a man doth conceive and get a perfett image ofhis own face by a way of reflexion; fo Go4 in beholding and minding of himfelf, doth in himfelfbc~et or coJ: .. eive amoft perfect, and a moft JiyeJy image ofhimfel( wlLh ,ery i::nage is that rn the Trinity which we call the Sonne ot God. Thus you read in Scripture that Jefus the SonneofGodiscalled tht brightnef[e of his Fat hrrs glr;ry, andHcb.I·3· the expref{e im11ge of his perfon.. I. The brightn{J[e Gf his Fathel's glory; herein God the Father is compared unto a ligbtfome body, and God the Sonne un~o a beame, or fplendor fent forth, or itfuing out from that glonous body. :!. The expref[e ima'[e <'( his perfon, herein Go~ the Father is c01:npared unto a feale,and God the Sonne unto an tmpreffion refultmg trom the feale; Now look as waxe upon a feale. hath the engraven image of the feale; fo the Sonne ofGod (wbtch the Father hath begotten or conceived of his own underftanding) is the -very i:nagi of his Fathers underftanding; hence not onely the Father, but alfo the Sonne is called underfl:anding it felf. I have counfel and 'YPif- p Q . dome, (faith Chri£1:) I tfm t:nderjfanding; wbatfoever the Fa- rov.u•l4• ther is, the Sonne is; indeed the underfianding in tn( ,, ' and the thing underftood, are not ufually one and the but inGod it is all one:. Gods conc~ivings and begettings are the mofi inward ot all; the Father conceives of hirnfelf, and in hin·:feif; llnd his conceiving is a begetting, arid his begetting abideth ltill in himfelf, becaufe his underfianding can no where meet with any thing futable, which he bimfelfis; and that conveying ofbimfelf, or begettmg ofhimfelfis the fecond fub(Jftence in the Trinity, which we call the everlafting Son ofGod . 1- For tbe mutual kindnefTe and lovingnefie of him (hat berets, and of him that is begotten, we fay this brings f< • ·th a rhid Jperfon or fubliftence in Go-d. Now for tl1e m,..:.~rftandinr: of tLi3 matter, we muft confider two things, firft, that in lhcciTtuc" of· · · I 2 God.