Ch.1p.•. s~a r Looking tmto :f-eftu. Book II. 61 eternity :' fpired in his will, and love, and joy unto the Father . and fro11 this common defire and afpiring of either .perfon 'the holy ;Ghofl: proceeds, which makes up the whole Trinity of perfons. l {hal\ lay ou t this by fome fimil itnde or. refcmbLmce ; As when a man looks in a gla!fe, if he fmile, his image fmileth too; here's but one.face, and yet in this unity we may finde a Trinity : the face is one, the image of the face in a gla!fe is another , and the fmiling of them both together is a third, and yet all are in one face ,and -all are of one face, and all are but one face; fo the underfranding which is in God is one, the reflection or image or his underfranding he beholdeth in himfelf as in a gla!fe is a fecond, and the love and liking of them both together,by reafon of the will fulfilled is a third; and yet all are in one God, all 'lire of one God, and all are but one God. In this Trinity there is neither firfi nor lafr,in refpect of time, but all are at once, and at r one infiant; even as in a gla!fe the face,and the image of the face; when they fmile,they fmile together,and not one before,nor after another, .- for conclufion of all. As we have the Sonne of the Father by his everlafl:ing will in working by his underfianding ; · fo we have the holy Ghofi of the love, and joy, and delight of them both, by the joynt working of the underfl:anding and will together; whereupon we conclude three difl:inct perfons,or fub · fifiences, which we· c:tll the Father, Sonne, and holy Gho£1:, in one fpiritual, yet unfpeakable fubfiance, which is very God himfelf. -My meaning is not to inGH: on the Father, or the holy Ghoil:, but onely on the Sonne. Yet thus farre I have added, that you may better underfiand the maimer of this generation o~ the Son~e ofGod : together with the mutual kindne!fe , lovmgneffe, JOY, and delight betwixt the Father and the Son evenfrom evttlafiing. ~ SECT . /