Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

' Epht f.I I J , Book. II. Lo!Jking unto :JefttS. Chap. I .Sect, 3 SECT. IL of ctiY Eleffion in Chtift before a/l,vorlds. "!\....,. Ow let us look on Cbri ft in his relation to us before all l ~j worlds. Cod being thus alone himleli from t• veridl-ing, and befides lumfdf there beipg no thi ng ,,c;, ;{ ; the Ji · il th '·6 he did (befi des what ye have beardj or rbe tJ rfl: r·hh g he puffiblj and conceivably could do, it was thi ; t! .i... ;·r,.;:nv.tim with f..imfo/f to m,miffjl his glory : Or a purpv(c t , Jti.vJ",lf. 0 o'OIJ;r,•Kt':carc his 11/r,ry out of hu aloneneffe ever!,dli;l• ,. ~ /o; en• ~•at elfe: I 6 . l • fay f!ri ! O fomewba t tlje,for WOa t IS ('(l [l ,n .I ·\CIOn Dl. C an effiux,an .emanation, an ilfmng from, or a mo t ,J betwix t two termes? I . have now brought you to the ~ ct s,or r;Cl: ion ofGod in reference to his creatures; follow me a lirrle, and 1 !hall anon bring you to Chriil: in relation to your felves. Thefe acts or aCtions of God were and are. r. The Decree. z. The execution of the Decree of God. I muft open thefe . termes. . r. The Decree is ~:n action of God, out of the counfe1 and purpofe of his own Will, determining all things, and all tbecircumil: a nce~, and order of all things from all eternity in himfelf certainly, and unchangably, and yet freely. Wbo work.ft'h ,1/l t hings (faith the Apoftle) .Jjm the caunfel of his own v.. i /1 ; _and this work, or action ofGod is internal, and for ever :tbiding wi thin his own elfence it felt. 2. Tbe execution of the Decree is an aCl: efGod, whereby -Cod d.oth effectually work in time all things as they were foreknown and decreed. And this al'l:ion ofGod is external, and by a temporal3ct paffing from God to the creatures. Nowfor the decree , that is of diverfe kind·s : As firft, There .is a Decree common and general , which looks to all the creatures . and it is'either the Decree of creation , or the Decree of prov idence and prefervation. 2 . There is a Decree fpecial ,which belongs to reafonable creatures, Angels, and men; it is called the . Decree of predeftination; and it confifisof the Decree of Election and reprobation. Concern ing the common and general . Decrees we have but little)aid down in Scriptures, and it is little, or