Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

~-~--------------- '!'he Ep~fole Dedicatory. the everbiting Gofpel o£Jefus.) and to obferve t!ie glorious Pjinings of the lo·ve of chrifl to bele'evers in all! it would be precious if[orne ·would take it in hand, and perf ect it to the purpofe, ·but it i.,Jad to think it hath been negLected Jo long• . As the Lord hat~1 enabled_,. I have adventured ; and 1f for my rafhnelfe lU not wa1tmg any longer, to fee ifany ftar ofa greater magnitude would have appeared , I muft be cen[ured, I fly to your Honour for Patronage. Nor onely for Patronage, but I humbly beg of you, and Y0urs, to perufe andpractife this 4ender ' )York; who can tell buf fome of the golden oyle of Grace.may come out ofJefus C. hrift the true Olive-tree, e\'en throughthefe Pipes-: and if fo,your own experien:- ces will be fatisf:Ktory anfwers to all others cen[ures.Sure I am in this exercife (however the. directions may be weak) youwill finde the.advantage of lying at the wellhead, and [o you may drink more fweetly th:m others, that make u[e onely of the.ftreamts.That you (my noble Lord,) and your vertuous Lady, with your hopeful iffue may receive fpiritual good by this Treatife, and all other helps which Gods good providence, may put into your ha~ds . Is the hearty prayer MyLord, Of Your Honours thankful, faithful ). though very unworthy fervant ,, 'I