Ambrose - BT200 A42 1658

Chap. 1 .Sect. 5• Looking unto ;fifm. Book II. this will be made known when we come to gfory; yea, t mankind, a great part ofthe glory of heaven for the Lprd to mr fi' . the counfel ofhisWill· We noW know hu will, but Wt quefi tOn IS, ' . . d . r h. II ., rame a know the counfel of hu wt!l, an p~a11e tm to a ete 'b it . thi.s {hall be the glory of the Satnts, tbat'they !hall ?.. J1• erty th; counfil of Gods willi~ choofing th~m, and calling the.m, anlr~ / . paffing by otbers,and letctng others go. In the mean whtle thus far W!:,may know, for thus far he hath revealed himfelf concerning hiscounfels about man from everlafiing. ' -I. That man fliould be a reafonable creature, and bccaufe that every creature is unavoidably fu~jecl: to the Crcatour (for .he _ . _ made all things f or himfelf, and a·lltS<to returne that glory to htm P.~v. 16~ 4 • for which he made them) therefore man lhould fervc: him as all : other creatures mull:, onely his fen-ice fhould be after a reafona~- b!e manner, out of judgment; difcretion, and eldl:ion; hence Dit- PC 1 ..• v jd is fa-id to have chofen the w~y of truth, and Mofes to have-"cho- a· Il9·3° fen the affiiaions ofGods people , ,and the reproaches of Chrijl before Reb. 1 r. z5~1~ ' the pleafures of fin, or thr treafures of'Egypt. And hence it is that · !iolinelfe in the phraze of Scripture is. called j 11dgment ,he fhall con- John 16, 1 r vince the world of judiTment; and he /ball bring'[orth judgment unto Matth. I t-!zo_' victory,and hence it is"'thatour fervic<! is called a rea(onnblefervice; Rom. I 1 : ~· God would not fet any fuch determinating Law o-ver the op-erations ofman,as over other creatures, that fo he might truly work , out of judgment, and lland.or fall by bisownelecl:ion. 2 . That if man fhould deviate from this reafonable fervi-ce, and break the Law which God would give, and which he himfelf · iliould have an orig~nal power to performe, that then he 1hould .• incurre the difpleafure ofGod; and fuch a curfe, and fuch a pe- . nalty !hould be infli.ded. And here comes in the fall of man ; into Go~> confideration; he looks upon it as a•.·wilful tranfgref- ·. fion ofh1s Law, and by how much the Law was -more jufr and : the obedience more eaGe,by fo n:uch he judges the tranfgr~ilion 1 more unreafonable, ;md the pumfhment more cer.taine and into- - lerable. - 3. That ~nne 1hould not patfe.unrevenged; · and that for thefe ' · teafons. 1. Becaufe of Gods infinite hatred thereof, he u of purer ers then to behold evil; he · cnnnot. look:_. on -iniquitJ ; it Aab. r ; a; ; p_rovokes a naufeoufnelfe and .abhorrency tn him·for nil rhe[e dre ~bing{ which I hate,['!ith L crd,-=::_thry lli'e a frouble 'unt~ me, Zlch, 8. 17: ' .D